
Mar 21, 2005 19:00

So Spring Break! I had all intentions of doing all of these great things. You know be all productive and what not. Do you think that I got anything done? Absolutely NOT! Now I have all of these things to do by tomorrow morning! Yeah right. Well, I did have a good Spring Break. I worked 50 Hours. For the most part, I didn't hate it. There was a manager at my QuikTrip that I refused to work with and I told my head manager and he got him moved to another store! I was so happy I practically jumped up and down! I give myself full credit. I worked with one of our new managers and it was so funny because the first night I worked with him I put a packet of lemon juice down his straw and when he drank it, he made the funniest face; the next night that I worked with him, he said like three times that he was going to get me back. So I waited until the last hour of the night and I got him again but instead of lemon juice, it was a packet of salt. Can you imagine a drink full of salt or lemon juice? It is really bad! But seeing the look on their face is worth the little bit of guilt that I feel. When I worked at a different QuikTrip, one of the managers put a whole chip in my drink and I just let it go. But when she did it a second time...I had to get her back. So a packet full of lemon juice down her straw! It's so great! I also worked with a new girl that when we first started out the night was really shy and timid. But after I started giving her crap, she broke out of her shell and started firing back. It was great. I would like to give myself credit for that also! Just think if it wasn't for working with me, she would go around not talking and hating her job, but NO, thanks to me...she might actually like working there! During Spring Break was my favorite little cousins birthday. I know you shouldn't pick favorites, but we are buddies! He is just like me...only a male and well cute~lol. But everything he says and does is me! But anyway: he had a soccer game on his birthday and I went and he was so happy to see me! Man how I wish that his real dad (my uncle) wouldn't have got screwed up on drugs so he could be there to watch his kids grow up. I guess I should just be happy that his mom is so awesome and lets me see them and take them whenever I want to! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't see my little cousins agian. I owe him and his sister a movie for their birthdays. But do you think that they would make it easy for me and let me take them together? NO I have to take them seperately. Which is good because that way we get quality time together. It's just a little hard on the wallet! But they are great kids and they deserve so much more. I guess they are one of the many reasons that I truely hate drugs. Drugs mess up so many people's lives and they don't even realize it until they have hurt so many people that once they do get better, no one cares about them anymore. It is so hard for me because I truely love my uncle still and he has hurt so many people in my family that they don't even consider him family anymore. I still consider him my family but I can also understand where everyone else is coming from because I know what he has done to them, but I am the type of person that doesn't just go with the flow. He hasn't done anything to me, I've just heard stories. But I don't have to worry about him doing anything to me because he is in prison for a while. I hurts me to think that someone with that much potential can screw his life up so much just because of drugs. And I see so many kids now-a-days (wow that sounds old) that are experimenting with drugs and they don't think that drugs can hurt them, they think that they are invincible. But I know what path they are on and when I talk to them about it, they probably think that I am a square, but I know what the effects can do and what experimenting can lead to. But to get on a somewhat happier note, I left Dm on a good note. Usually I am so irritated by the time I leave that I get into a bad mood. And when I get into a bad mood: watch out! But I should have been in a bad mood because I worked from 3-11pm on saturday night and had to be back at work at 7am sunday morning. I was so exhausted. But I went home and took a half hour nap and felt better. Plus I went to church and had totally forgotten that it was Palm Sunday. But for some reason I left in a great mood. Maybe because it was church or maybe it was knowing that I had, even after the weekend I had in which most people would have just slept and not went to church, had gone to church. Or maybe it was because I went with my grandma, and I think that eventhough she won't say it, likes it when I do simple things for her like going to church. I am the only person in my family besides my grandma that sitll goes to church. It is really sad because, though I am not a really religious person, it is not that much to ask to spend an hour a week in church? Which for some reason reminds me that I also helped my grandma take my great aunt to the grocery store because my grandma was nervous. My great aunt broke her leg over Christmas and has a walker that she has to use and my grandma wanted me to be there because she didn't feel comfortable taking her by herself. Which I can understand, but I don't think about the bad that could happen. I like to think about the good! Well, I'm done for now. Look what happens when I don't write for a long time! Crazy! Peace out girl scout.

~The turning lanes are there for a reason.
-West Des Moines Women
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