
Jul 25, 2005 14:00

ok so i have been trying to get this stupid lj customated but its so damn hard....i gave up on communties...lol...erika said that shede help me on my scroll bar...thankx so much erika!!! lol so yea...my parents wanna move to oregon but i said no and Bret said that if they move i can stay with him...thank god bcuz there is nuthing out in oregon....i like it better here...so yea...my mom is watching 10.5 that movie scares me lol....after watching it we went to california and i told my mom that i refused to go over the san fransisco bridge lol...so yea i wasnt spoe to babysit today but i gess i am now bcuz my mom decided to work...it sux bcuz i have been babysitting like crazy and i friggen hate it lol...so yea i think i typed enuf fer rite now o but this is ofr heather...Girl u r like my sister and i am always here for u so if u need a place to stay ur welcome at my house...always and i hope everything works out for u i am so sorry...lylas girly...ne way i g2g cuz my mom has to use the fone but ill b on lata call me if ne1 wants to get to gether 2moro...byes

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