My one wish for faire-goers

Aug 26, 2006 01:28

It's late... but I can't sleep anyway...

I still have my one wish... it hasn't changed in the several years since I first had the thought...

I wish that all of you out there who have become tangled in webs of friends and acquaintances at Faire could/would take a day to do/see the Faire of your choice *without* the big social thing going on. Sure, if you absolutely can't do the whole day, gather for an hour or so... but instead of being *with* someone all day, catch some shows. Wander the shops and lanes without chatting and being in company the whole time. Discover the world of your village *beneath* the social haze that draws you in....

My theory is that if everyone thought to do that once every year or two, there'd be far fewer "I just can't get excited about faire" comments (note this isn't aimed at anyone specifically... I've seen that comment a lot lately, and I've seen it quite a few times in past years... this entry was just triggered by the third such comment I saw today.

There's so much more to a Renaissance Festival than being with friends. That's an extra... not the soul of the event. Yes, all the folks who dress up and come in and socialize add to the image of the busy village during festival time... but if you dig down, you'll find the root of what I love about Faire... at least a good Faire...

There's something for almost everyone (especially at the larger faires like MDRF, etc.). Seeing the expression of delight on a stranger's face... whether a youngster up on a pony or meeting the King/Queen, or an adult getting lost in the music and surroundings... or laughter from most of the people watching a show... of just a shy smile of a youngster who's just seen something amazing in the streets....

That's what gets me... whether I had anything to do with it or not (if I did, that's another instance of bonus :-) Of course, I enjoy a good play, farce, skit, informative or not... music under the trees... and the occasional attempt at a game (no, I don't think I've ever won anything).

Try it... and if you do... whether it works for you or not, I'd *love* to hear/read about your experience... (and that goes for anyone who *does* go for all that stuff, social on the side as well)
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