May 05, 2009 13:06
Yesterday I quit my job. It went very well. I dressed very professionally and curled my hair. I got to say good-bye to some people while I waited for management to arrive. No one was surprised. Everyone had nice things to say to me. One person said I was good hearted and that was why I was leaving and tht I was an excellent nurse that let nothing get by me. The MDS nurse understood and said she would do it to. I quit to Kim one of the unit managers and sshe said if I ever need a letter of reference I can ask her for one. I said thank you. she said it was nice knowing me and I said the same.
Now I am back on the job searching market. It is good to be free of a horrible job that did nothing but make me sad. I just wish I already had another job. Although I am not sure doing what. I don't want to work at a nursing home again.
There is this dog at The Amanda Foundation that I absolutely love. Her name is Minette. She is the cutest and cuddlest dog ever. I want to adopt her so badly, but of course now that I don't have a job, we can't adopt her. Timing sucks. In a few months she will probably be adopted. But I should keep in mind that there will be other great dogs that I will love in the future if I don't end up with her.
That's all for now.