my july 4th was great, roman candle wars are no longer going to be a once a year event. hope everyone else was patriotic as well, occasionally its fun.
thursday, july 15th
now its overhead (saddlecreek records)
summerbirds in the cellar
at the social in orlando at 8pm for $8.
saturday, july 24th
summerbirds in the cellar (
yip-yip (
kingsbury (
at woodpecker records in lakeland at 8pm for $5
then its off to tour with cowboys for two weeks. woop.
i'm really excited about this lakeland show, i've wanted to book a show with each of these bands for a while and we've yet to play here in lakeland. so three birds one stone. should be a blast.
this site is a blast as well.. this one too.. love,