Hail, roleplayers!
A personal re-interest in the Redwall universe has inspired me to look into developing a d20 reference for the lands and creatures of the books. I've looked around online, and while there has been scattered discusion, there doesn't seem to be anything seriously developed thus far, so I thought I might try my paw at this.
While on my search I found the
www.d20srd.org Website which is all the open source rules and game info for the d20 RPG system, and it is a well-composed reference; the d20 Modern SRD is also linked to this site and is an offering direct from Wizard's of the Coast. I'm am taking the time to refresh myself on the basic rules, while also browsing through the alternatives and variaents sections for inspiration.
The Redwall books are intended more as children/teen literature, and they aren't as broad and deep in terms of themes and dynamics as the fantasy fiction intended for adults. To that end, the goal of this project is a stand-alone reference that is more streamlined and less detailed than other settings, while still retaining the themes and cannon of the books. I like a lot of the optional rules in the Variant Rules section of the site and find that many of these would be more appropriate to my project than the standard rules, especially as a means of playing a less complicated game based on a less complicated setting. When finished, this reference document will essentially be a Campaign Setting book and will essentially replace the standard PHB.
Eventually I'm going to require feedback and playtesting to work out the kinks. I'm not a very experienced DM, though I hope that when its all over, that I will have created a set of reference documents that would allow even me to properly host a challenging and dynamic campaign for my group. Carvis, I know among my frist that you are the most experienced int his department, and I hope that I may be able to call on you for feedback and advice when the time comes.
Thank you for your interest.