Type: Chordates. They are not mammals (similar to the last - a consequence of convergent evolution). Erectus. Digitigrade. Specificity - pups at an early age are not able to fully digest regular food, so the adults of both sexes are present glands that produce hormones that allow the kids to fully digest the food (ie, if mammals are at this stage is completely fed baby milk, then in the Istemi evolution resorted to "half-hearted decision.")
Cathedral planet - Sakala (relatively sparsely populated), the economic center of the Empire and the largest colony - Dineta
Government: Istemi Empire.
Before the war 6225 - 6230 period was a meritocracy (largely - degraded) formally state was a theocratic monarchy, but in consequence of millennia vacancy of the throne - de facto - a parliamentary republic. After the war 6225 - 6230 period led to the replacement of meritocracy and the actual restoration of the monarchy (in the war years there was a dictatorial regime Egale Tanpu, in the early postwar years power was concentrated in the hands of the provisional government)
Parliament: State Council - formed before the war from candidates for life scientists (50% of) military (50%) and from the aristocracy (the members of an advisory capacity). After the war - from scientists (75%), war (15%) and aristocracy (10%) with a rotation every seventh of the members every 70 years.
The head of state before the war - the chairman of the State Council, after the war, the functions are divided between the chairman of the Council of State and Ter Niche (emperor)
Religion: De facto is a poorly structured pantheism, combined with a belief in reincarnation. Universe ("Heaven") has divine status. Religion itself is a state. Ter Niche is both emperor and head of the cult, with the title "God." (Unlike humans, completely banished religion from Terra Istemi just in time to eradicate from her almost all supernatural, leaving the religion itself as an element of the state apparatus).
The economy: a mixed with a very strong public sector (which can be characterized as part of its socialist) is a product of the evolution of the system is a cross between NEP (Russian socialism in 1921-1928), "Scandinavian socialism" and the "New Deal" Roosevelt. The monetary system - is present, but is not as developed as in humans. Money from Istemi do not so much a function of treatment as a function of accumulation.
Social strata and groups: Despite a socialist economy in general and the revolutionary origins of the state, remains relatively strong influence of the old aristocracy.
Family: It is a complex structure of clans represented by interconnected partners (both heterosexual and (rarely) the same sex). Both sexes have Istemi - polygamous. "Surname" is defined by "name" the head of the clan, even if they do not have a clan and a member of consanguinity or direct connection.
Technology: As an ancient civilization more than humanity, Istemi differed somewhat more gradual technological development. At the time of the "Millennium" istemian Terran technology ahead by about six - seven centuries (despite the fact that the historical gap between Sakalov and Terry - about 10,000 years). Thanks to the "patronage" from sindarai, very active, some developed hybrid technology.
Life Expectancy: About 600 - 700 Earth years.
Mental Abilities: Present in varying degrees, about 20% of the population.
Physiology: Present specimens of the two sexes (sex ratio approximately equal). Sexual dimorphism inconspicuous. Physique - gracilis. "Mane" on the head begins to gradually rise in the age of 20 and eventually grows to about the 50th year of life. Average height - 180 - 185 cm body is covered with short, smooth hair, which color varies from beige and cream until light and reddish sand. Occasionally there are individuals with an ash-gray coat (about 1 - 2% of the population). Very rare melanistic (approximately one individual per million). Vision color. Istemi see colors a little more muted than people, but it is much better perceived contrast. Eyes - green, with a vertically oval pupil. The ears are rather large, pointed. On the tips of the ears - a brush. The hands and feet to 4 pin with short and blunt claws. The structure of the foot - digitigrade. The tail is relatively long. About half its length, the tail begins to separate into strands of long hair. The specific composition of the blood - the blood Istemi no red blood cells, oxygen transport function and executes directly dissolved in the blood respiratory pigment taashkal close to hemocyanin rather than to hemoglobin, but has a much more complicated structure in comparison with keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Because blood taashkal Istemi is pale bluish tint (because, like hemocyanin, is copper-containing substance taashkal). Comfortable ambient temperature - 17 - 20 degrees. The normal oxygen content in the air - 18% at a pressure of 0.73 bar. or 12-13% at a pressure of 1 bar. Gravity is considered normal - 0,92 G.
Language and alphabet: The alphabet consists of 412 characters (at the time of the Prophet Asinar they were 532, but some characters later reduced). The order of writing - from the top down. Type of morphological structure: the elements agglutinative inflection. Locus: synthetic. Strategy morfosintaks encoding: predominantly ergative. Grammatic gender: None. The category of time: 9 days - prior, past, present, simultaneously, the future, the next complete, unlimited and timeless.