Jan 27, 2006 14:15
You know the drill; the victims have been warned.
Name Ten things that make you happy in no particular order:
pranks/jokes, company in bed, good food, beaches, a well-written piece, chillin' w/ my sketchbook, music, completing a tai chi set w/o messing up, holidays, friends n' family
1. Seven things I plan to do before I die:
Travel the world
Learn to play a musical instrument
Get published
Have a family
Crack open some narrow-minded skulls
Go blackwater rafting (whitewater rafting in caves with gloworms as your lighting)
2. Seven things I can do:
a. fly a glider (nominally)
b. climb down waterfalls
c. draft novels (now all I have to do is complete them ;)
d. Design body art
e. Cook raw kangaroo tails, and eat them
f. The Tai Chi Beijing Set
g. make noises on a didgeridoo (soon, soon I will make music too)
3. Seven things I can't do:
a. listen to country music
b. play Goh
c. throw a football (accurately :o)
d. ride a motorcycle (long story)
e. the butterfly stroke
f. eat creamed corn
g. swing dance
4. Seven things that attract me to someone:
a. Smile (killer smile always gets me)
b. Eyes (ever seen someone with amber eyes? It's amazing; but sky blue does me in too)
c. Hair (I'm a sucker for strawberry-blonds; black hair is second, with brunette a close third)
d. Laughter (reveals many things about a person)
e. Warmth
f. Silent moments
g. A yen for life
5. Seven things I say most:
a. "Fuckin' _____" (fill in the blank)
b. "Hmm."
c. "I see."
d. *Insert dirty joke/thought implied by facial expression*
e. "That reminds of a story..."
f. "I can imagine."
g. "Interesting..."
6. Seven Celebrity Crushes:
a. Catherine Zeta Jones (she's just hot. Period.)
b. Julia Roberts (see laugh and smile)
c. Angelina Jolie (a hangover from childhood, her aunt lived in our apartment complex; though the brother make-out thing was a turnoff)
d. Emma Thompson (not as in Nanny Mcphee)
e. Halle Berry (before she started acting)
f. Jessica Alba (Dark Angel days...blond hair does not work on her...*Fantastic Four, shudders*)
g. Scarlett Johannson (Blond, brunette. Doesn't matter, she's got it all.)
7. Seven People I tag