Jul 06, 2004 12:55
The last few days have been some of the funnest times of my life. I know it seems like all I ever write here is what I do and nothing thats really interesting for anyone else to read, but I just don't want to forget this stuff. When I am homesick and freezing in the bitter Montana winters I want to look back and read about how kick ass my summer was.
Well Last Tuesday I got my wisdom teeth pulled. For pretty much all I did until Thursday was sit on the couch, drool and eat applesauce. I somehow got out of the house Wednesday for a hair cut, my face got all kinds of swollen, but only on one side, and I used all my oxycodene in 3 days. Muchos gracias to everyone who came to visit me!
Friday I went back to work and I was still feeling kind of funny, so I think I scared a few customers but it was a pretty enteraining sport. After work I went over to Hoff for a little get-together since her parents were out of town. The best thing about that night was this guy Ian brought with him...like his old bosses nephew. This guy was absoultly nuts...hair longer than mine, pseudo accents from ever region of the U.S., constanly asking if anyone had weed and just being fun to watch, but also you HAD to watch this guy becuase he seemed like he might have had some concealed weapons.
Saturday was definetly one of the funnest nights of the summer so far. The crew (Me, James, Ian, Zulf, Danielle and Hoff) went over to Matt's house for some non-parental fun. Probe was convinced that he and Nicole were going to have sex, and so pretty much we all just went to watch him try. So much funny shit happened I don't know if I can recall all of it. One good Probe quote was "I'm going to fuck Nicole, or some other chick, or a RABBIT!" and then he changed from a button down shirt (that he wore because he thought Nicole was into 'preps') into a shirt that said TOOL on it. So he walks out and he points at the shirt and he starts yelling "THIS IS ME!" So I'm like, "You mean you're a tool?"
Then later I was going to give Nicole The Launry Room Special but there wasn't a suitable place in the laundry room for a lapdance, so then Probe trys to get us into the sex room, but I sneaked out while the lights were off and left the two of them in there. Soon Nicole also escaped, but undeterred, Proble persisted in his pursuit even after Ian and Nicole had clearly hooked up. James and I escaped the drama for a minute and had ended up having some jolly fun and a great talk that I know I will remember for a long time. Then Zulfi comes into the garage (where James and I were) without his pants on, then Ian and Hoff, closely followed by Probe and so then the quality couple time was over.
So we all go back to the house, by this time Jayson was passed out on the couch and Matt has was partyed out in his room with several piles of spew and some dangeroulsy wet sheets. The party was winding down, Probe was pissed that he got "usurped" by Ian. So then Hoff, Ian, James and I left and Probe paced up and down the street outside yelling "FUCK IAN!" We went to Safeway, The Seminary, then passed out at Hoffs as the sun came up.
On the 4th, I slept until about 2 to recover from the night before. Then I went back over to Hoff's, the crew came too, we BBQed, played with firworks, did all those good American things. I had to cut my hot dog in half so that I could eat it because I can't open my mouth very wide becuase of the Oral surgery. We watched the fireworks from 30th street and then just took it easy the rest of the night.
Yesterday James and I went to American lake to go swimming. It just feels wonderful to be having such a great time with him. I can't rememeber ever having so much fun just doing such little kiddish things. He made some good progress learning to swim...yesterday we did floating, treading water and doggy paddle. He still pretty much just sinks, but he looks really cute doing it and doesn't really seems to mind near-drowning experiences. Good times! Then I went to Kent for dinner with the fam. I hadn't been there in a long time, and I was glad to survive without any dangerous encounters. Last night I went to Meeker and met up with James, Ian, Jayson, Rach, Zulf and Danielle. I had a damn good time rolling down the hill, teaching Ian how to do the SMACK YO ASS dance and fighting off Mosquitos. I was glad to see Rachey again.
Today I got my roomate assignment for next year. Her name is Kayley Randall from Spokane. I hope she's hot, but not a whore.
WHEW! That was a lot of typing and so if you made it this far and really read all of that then I think you are either a really good friend, or you need to get a damn job. I hope everyone else is having as super a summer as me. If you are one of my long lost friends don't be afraid to call me up.