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Oct 17, 2006 22:17

061017 Chunji Radio with Sungmin & Ryeowook

kangin: so how have you guys been doing? I already know but since our listeners are curious.
sungmin: these days sungmin has been working out a lot, i was on a diet with food but now i'm also working out on top of it. i'm eating well..
kangin: how longer are you going to diet??
sungmin: mm maybe lose 3kg more?
kangin: ahh but our sungmin looks prettier when he's healthy, right ryeowook?
ryeowook: course
sungmin: i'm healthy now~ i'm strong~
kangin: i should be the one dieting
ryeowook: you have no arm
kangin: i know
sungmin: what are you talking about!! i have arm~~ how have you been doing ryeowook?
ryeowook: i've been performing a lot as a Super Junior member and have also been practicing a lot, our [2nd album] will come out soon so please wait~

kangin: ryeowook ssi, i hear you're eating boyak these days..(boyak is like medicine that's good for your body, it's like vitamins except a lot more expensive)
sungmin: i know, he just ate one before coming in
kangin: what kind is it?
ryeowook: *laughs* it's not boyak, but it's jip (idk what that is)
kangmin: what kind of jip?
kangin:..could it be..?
ryeowook: nono it's just jip.
kangin: that jip is..
ryeowook: the jip that helps you gain weight~
sungmin: *GASPPP!!!!!* we (kangin and him) are trying so hard to lose weight and have been starving for months!!
ryeowook: i'm just joking
kangin: i don't think he's joking.
ryeowook: it's just for health~

kangin: ryeowook is putting his head down, why are you doing that
ryeowook: *laughs*
sungmin: he must've done something wrong, what did you do~
ryeowook: i thought we were doing viewable radio today, so i got all pretty (dressed up, etc)
kangin: where?

kangin: what about the opposite, who has the ugliest hands in super junior?
sungmin: ummm, yesung hyung!
kangin: i'm not saying yesung hyung~ cause yesung hyung's mom is listening right now~
sungmin: really?
ryeowook: oh right!
sungmin: cause yesung hyung has really cute short fingers but his hands are big and then it gets small so it's unbalanced.
kangin: yea it's more unbalanced than ugly
ryeowook: and it's really small
kangin: haha his hands are cute

kangin: yea but for me, i really hate it when people touch me so you know when we go overseas, like thailand or china, massages are really famous, like thailand's original massage, i really hate those stuff when i do it~ like the shoulders and stuff, it hurts as well but the fact that other people are touching my body, i don't like it.
sungmin: but you like it when i touch you.
kangin: but you-- you and i are one <333333
kangin: and like when ryeowook massaged me in thailand
ryeowook: HAHA! but you seriously don't wake up!!
kangin: i know, i'm like a monster when i sleep. i hate waking up, even during school days, i'd sleep with my room locked.

kangin: but oddly, i sleep a lot in the morning and i can't sleep in the afternoon. Even if we worked really late into the night last night, i don't sleep in that late the next day, i sleep a lot in the morning but i can't sleep in the afternoon. Cause i hate sleeping when it's all sunny.
ryeowook: i'm not like that, i sleep so much.
kangmin: you sleep a LOT seriously.
ryeowook: for me, i sleep like 18 hours straight and then wake up and eat and then go back to sleep. I sleep a lot.
kangin: when i come back to the dorm, it's all quiet. And i'm like, "is no one here?" and there's no answer and so i watch TV and around 3 ryeowook comes out and i'm like, "you were here?" and he'd be like, "yes, hyung" "did you eat hyung?" "should i make ramen?" and i'd be like, "no it's ok, you can eat" and he'll eat and then he'll disappear again. I would wonder if he went out but no he's in his room sleeping again.
ryeowook: when we don't have any schedule, sleeping makes me happy.
sungmin: recharge your energy
ryeowook: did you know that you lose a lot of weight if you sleep a lot?
kangin: so that's why i'm not losing weight, it's cause i don't sleep a lot.
sungmin: i should sleep in ryeowook's room now.

ryeowook: first base is holding hands?
sungmin: what did you think first base was? bbobbo? kiss?
kangmin: truthfully, you have to tell us truthfully.
ryeowook: uhhhhhhhhhhhh..eye contact?
kangin: for me, first base is conversation. In a soft voice, "hello, I'm kangin"
sungmin: ahhh oily~
kangin: no i'm joking, what i do first is..i watch her, like what kind of style she is and then if she's not my style then i'm really nice to her but if she IS my style then i'm really cold to her.
sungmin: so that's why you're cold to me~
kangin: no that's cause i really don't like you *laughs*
kangin: no but there's things like that, you know? if you like her then you're cold to them to get attention
ryeowook: when i first had a girlfriend, i was like that. cause i liked her so much i didn't know what to do. We held hands after a month.
kangin: you know the girlfriend that i went out with for a long time? neither of you guys saw her right? oh wait yea we went out a long time ago and broke up a long time ago. Anyway, it took us a month to hold hands.
sungmin: only a month?
kangin: or wait, was it 100th day? no it's a month
sungmin: why are you so late~ for me i just hold hands on the first day~
kangin: we were on a date and we went on the bus and there was one seat left and i just sat down. No cause i was like, you can sit but she told me to sit and that it's ok so i just sat. So afterwards it was sort of embarrasing, so i was just like, i should just stand up with her. Until the end, i was too shy to tell her to sit down. When the bus was like uhh (like stopped suddenly?), i held her wrist but i was more embarrased than she was and told her sorry. i told you~ it was the bus that i waited everyday after school and everything was black and white but when i saw her she was the only thing in color.
sungmin: this is like a scene in a movie
kangin: it is~~ our eyes met and i looked away, i didn't want her to fall too deep for me from the start.
sungmin: isn't it cause hyung would fall too deep
kangin: i already fell too deep~ And after that the month long project started. Just to see her, i hung around in front of the school. And i got off the bus and she was passing by, I was like, "Hey!" and she looked and i looked away and she was like, "did you call me?" and i'd be like, "no" and you know on the internet, like where all your friends meet, i found hers~ and i found out her name and everything and sent her a PM "i want to stay in contact with you"
sungmin: what did she say?
kangin: she didn't respond. that's how the one month project started
ryeowook: did you guys go to the same school?
kangin: no she went to the one next to mine. it was like a movie, really. And when someone would ask us how we met, i would love to tell them the story.

kangin: so ryeowook held hands after a month, what about sungmin?
sungmin: on the first day~
kangin: you don't hold their hands BEFORE going out right?
sungmin: nothing like that~ no but it's cause i hold her hand in order to protect her <3

ryeowook: i don't wash my jeans after i buy them
sungmin: oh i don't either
ryeowook: and later when i take them off, it stands up by itself cause i don't wash it so much.
sungmin: oh, i'm not that bad.
ryeowook: i used to really not wash it when i was younger and i still kind of don't..
sungmin: i think you have a serious disease.

kangin: i choose black to describe myself cause it's sexy and charismatic etcetc
ryeowook: oh i wanna do black too!
sungmin: me too, can i change it to black
kangin: should we all say black?
ryeowook: black! let's go~
kangin: where we going?
sungmin: he's saying that cause kyuhyun says it these days~ (ga-ja~)
kangin: ryeowook you need to find your own thing~

translated by lalaloo @ soompi

Oh, these boys... 8D Ryeowook and his.. stand-uppable pants. That's just sick. 8D; Ryeo scares me a little. Or maybe a lot. And their definitions of "first base"... 8DDDDD; Eyecontact? Yeah, Ryeo is never going to get laid. Ever.
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