[o57] Third Bullet || Filter : Convoy

Jun 10, 2010 20:59

Alright boys and girls, we've spent enough time twiddling our thumbs here. The problem is solved, we're all happy and we've even got one heck of a pay from Monsieur Ecksworthy for helping him out! Things couldn't have been better, eh? Though, I wonder how good of an idea that courier service is...

Well, that aside - since we've got such a big pay, we all might as well go and celebrate our victory, oui? Spoon's too small a town to take us all in for a party, so we're gonna be headin' to Trewe to get some R&R before gearing up for our next mission. Its nearby, so we'll take a day or so at the most before docking there. Get some rest before going out to party when we dock, kids - you all deserve if after this job.

So what are you waitin' for? Get yourselves onto the ship in thirty or you'll have to head over there yourselves by foot!

[OOC: Annnnnnnnd the sparklepire plot is officially over! The ship will be heading to nearby Trewe now, but backlogging and wrapping up current threads is allowed and highly encouraged as always. Official OOC post will come up tomorrow in futureland time before I go to school for my second and last paper, so watch out for it~]

all better now, first mate time now, ship : convoy, aftermath, sparklepires what the hell, partying is important!, filter : convoy, about time oui?, taking the reins, mission wrapup, we are team awesome!, so not doing this again thx, well at least that's over

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