(no subject)

Jul 14, 2014 23:12

So I'm alive and junk.

I still read my friends page over here in LJ land every day, and comment when I can! I started a Tumblr and actually made a post today (GASP). I doubt that a lot of life updates and stuff will show up there, but you're more likely to see art and such! I'll try to find the time to do a life update post over here soonish... I just don't have the energy to sit down and write a big, long entry about all of the things, so I've been putting it off... and that means that the entries will have to be longer and longer! You see my dilemma.

So anyway, Tumblr. I like the layout over there, and the ask pages and such. Yarp. If you have a Tumblr I am looking for peeps to follow, so either follow me or comment with your Tumblr name so I can add you! I am at http://skepticoyote.tumblr.com/.

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