Jul 31, 2007 10:09
Why am I awake at 10AM when I should be asleep? Because at 9AM sharp the rental office called with the (to me) unreasonable request if see I could please move my balcony plants because the construction guys were here to replace the ceiling. OK, I admit, the plantlife is approaching jungle proportions, but where am I supposed to put it? And how? And whatever happened to their 24 hour notice rule? Not to mention the FMS/MFPS that I'm accursed with (it's been particularly bad recently, probably due to lack of sleep/stress--I've been getting up at 8:30AM to wait for maintenance to come and fix the dishwasher and (more importantly) unplug the bathroom sink. I'm on my third week of waiting, and wouldn't you know, the day I've decided to blow the whole thing off (because I doubt if they're coming anyway) and actually get my morning sleep (which is the only time I sleep well), this takes place.
So, without grumbling, I let the worker in, and abdicate lifting and hauling to him.
I currently have no living room since much of the balcony is in the middle of it, and I can't find Rissa kitty (who is no doubt in deep hiding). I also have no balcony ceiling, but a lot of wood splinters to clean up. I wonder if there's a chance (doubtful) that they'll be back later today to rebuild what they've torn out? Or if this will be another month-long wait, like the friggin' sink and the balcony railing fiasco of June???
At this point, I really just want to sit on the sofa, get comfy, and watch Storm Hawks. Except I can't get to the TV. I could just scream. Or cry.