"it's never felt like this before..."

Sep 23, 2007 00:13

I just got home.  I went to see 'Knocked Up' at the cheap theatre with Erin and Kristin.  It's the first Saturday that I've been in Regina and haven't been drinking [too] heavily.  Which is a nice change... last year was an incredibly sober year... no.. that's not right, and that's not me complaining.  What I'm thinking of, is not alcohol consumption [since Gord and I would have wine several times a week with dinner.. we were so grown up], but being out, and being social.  My weekends here are full of social interaction, though apparently not full enough to ward off the lonely "depression" that I had for the first two weeks.  Right after gord left, and i was alone, in my messy apartment, with no order, no plan, no direction, and MAN i was freaked. sooooo freaked. and desperate, mostly.  i was searching for _anything_ to cling to.  but now i'm okay.  I can handle this.  And I'm becoming a lot more comfortable with the notion of living here.  Regina isn't bad, it's just smaller, and more full of crime.  But so far, I'm calming down.  I'm attempting to make this the new normal.

It's been so long since I've posted.  I should try and explain my summer. But there is no way to put such an incredible time... I learned SO much. I learned about what life is like NOT in cities [so foreign..!!], how to relax. how to appreciate what's around me.. although i don't truly think that i never did that before, or that i do that any differently now... but being in nature all the time, being surrounded by wildlife and right in the middle of an ecosystem. an ecosystem that isn't urban. that seems crazy.  i learned about ranching. i found out what it's like to live in the middle of nowhere, and how to make that somewhere.

now i'm tired. but i'm pleased. i really am. I TA-ed last week for the first time, and then again this week threetimes, and i LOVE it. i like teaching. i like interacting with the students.. i get so excited [although maybe that's the coffee... of which i've started drinking toooo much. i need to practice sleeping past 7am... i'm going to start my sleep-in project tomorrow..], and i think that they respond to that. 
i really enjoy my lab kids. so much. they're kind and generous and sweet, and like social behaviour [within the lab, naturally]. although everyone is very "ecology" [i dress up too much for them!], i adore them and we all get along really well. seriously.

so. overall. i'm happy. or at least getting there. and now gord and i aren't sure that we're going to be able to go to france [mostly, he has soo much work to do and feels that he shouldn't take a week off--which i HATE, but support], but he'll be here with me soon. for minimum three weeks.. and that will be beyond wonderful.  it'll be nice to have him here.

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