The fudge fudged and is yummy. I had to sample it tonight.
Mom and Dad came down today, and Mom and I made a whirlwind trip through the Maul to get her a new spring outfit. JCPenney wasn't helpful, but we found her a three good outfits at Macy's. Then we went down to OOB to have a light supper and cake for Adam's b-day which was actually last Monday. After that, we went to Saco to hear them sing. Here they are.
Adam is the 2nd from the left, and Olivia the fourth from the left, the tall red head. And she's ten and he's nine. They both had solos, and were very good despite both of them saying, "we sucked!"
Fun and busy weekend. Now back to your regularly scheduled insanity. Oh, yeah and the finale of Survivor.