May 25, 2006 16:39
I'm very homesick right now. You guys are lucky to still be living with your parents. That's not sarcastic either. Realize now how much they do for you, because pretty soon (if not already) you'll be living on your own. It may seem like the coolest thing at first being that you don't have any rules and you can stay up and watch tv past 10:00, but also realize all of the responsibilities you have. Realize all of the things you have to pay your hard earned money for. There's cable, and water, and electric, and heat, and FOOD, and all the little things like rugs, and pots and pans, and light bulbs, and cleaning supplies, and chairs and tons of other things. Realize that you can't depend on anyone to pay you back. Face it, no one is going to pay money if they can avoid it. No one is going to clean up after themselves if they can avoid it. Getting a house and housemates is a pain in the ass. Being the responsible one is a pain in the ass. Working and going to school is a pain in the ass. But being away from home and my family and friends is the worst pain of all.
I love you guys and I really wish I could be there enjoying the summer with you.