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(who coincidentially has an interesting array of demands =P)
Target: Female (my oh my, the potential-i-ties.)
1. Socially sensitive, socially APPROPRIATE
I think my ideal target is one who understands social workings, who knows how to respond adequately and appropriately in social situations, and to know how to respond PROPERLY. She should be able to mix freely with my close friends - to a certain extent - and to be able to interact unabashedly with me in our common areas.
2. Intelligent and Witty
My ideal target must be one who is able to have intelligent human conversation with me. She must have the ability to think CRITICALLY and CREATIVELY, and to ensure that even when we are married/dating there is a decent intellectual flow between us. I would hate to have a relationship where the only thing I can say to the girl is: "Hi, what did you do yesterday" OR "Hi, where shall we go shopping today" BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH. Omigosh, I would DIE.
3. Likes to eat
I love food. Can't get away from there. I'd go ANYWHERE to get good food, be it a hawker centre or a posh upmarket restaurant. Oh - and I don't mind cost either. High price doesn't equate to good food and low price doesn't equate to bad food. My ideal target must enjoy going around Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong/Overseas with me to find great food, and not get bored or complain. Also, if she could whip up something fantastic - that would certainly be a plus point =D.
4. Enjoys music - any sort
Most than anything else, music characterizes my life. I think I would be a very different person if I weren't so musically inclinced. My ideal target must not just enjoy certain types of music - she should enjoy a large range and be willing to experiment and listen to different sorts of music. I would be turned off straight away should she raise certain biases about music such as: "Classical music is useless", etc. etc. without being able to justify WHY. Also as a plus point - if she played a musical instrument and was proficient in it as well...WOW.
5. Do NOT make me put up appearances in front of you
I do enough of this at school - please do not make me repeat it in front of you (my ideal target) since you should accomodate and respect me. I would NOT like my ideal target to expect things such as "the perfect gentleman" from me etc, etc. This somewhat overlaps with the first point. For example, when we go out to eat, she should know when to go dutch and when to let me treat or when to treat, instead of expecting me to pay all the time and to call her thrice a night before i sleep and to go out with her every week and to give her a blooming rose every single time I see her. Relationships don't work the lovey dovey fairytale way - SO ACCEPT IT. If she doesn't get sick of the puny gentleman image - I WILL.
6.Enjoy literature, philosophy and psychology
Basically - she has to enjoy reading. I would love to have dates where we just go down to the National Library, sit, read, and discuss and share later on. Not exactly a typical romantic date but yeah - it's undeniably enjoyable.
7. Enjoy travelling AND backpacking
cjqsg who is more focused on backpacking (me thinks), I would like my ideal target to enjoy roaming with me around the great capitals of the world as well. It is so pretty/zen/nice to sit at a cafe in France or New York and simply sip and watch the world go past you, or to take a trip down to Disneyland and enjoy faux magic/childhood innocence, or to simply sightsee. On the other end of the spectrum it'd also be good if she is willing to do 40km cycling at San Francisco with me - OH YES, CYCLING - and 20km hiking in Yosemite or camping at Grand Canyon, or sandboarding in Perth. And of course - shopping (as mentioned before).
But this is ideal, non? =P
Anyway. Tags:
Also, Theresa and Chee Yang were quite pro today! Too bad Theresa looks as if she can only sing slow 梁静茹 songs, and not the fast ones (that 梁静茹 does as well). But oh well - singing those pro slow songs alone is enough to get you lots of money in the short term and besides - she's still young.