Meme from Matitablu

Nov 28, 2011 21:12

I was tagged to answer some questions, so I'm going to! Why not. I'm not going to pass this along, though, because I am the internet equivalent of a cul-de-sac. So follow the cut to see the Q&A session-

1) Are you immediately receptive/talkative in the morning? Or do you communicate with grunts and glares until after breakfast or later?
I'm not much of a morning person. I must give myself at least an hour before I'm ready to greet the world, otherwise I'm prone to throw Gatorade bottles and angrily mis-quote monologues from pop culture at people.

2) Do you read comics?
Yes! Webcomics, definitely. Paper comics, when I find good ones. I was on a big Fables kick until James Jean left the crew and I grew tired of the inker not giving anyone mouths or eyes and repeating panels. I am partial to one-shots and graphic novels instead of loose serials, and always up for suggestions! Unfortunately, I've never really been a fan of super hero comics because they can never seem to get their canon in order.

3) What was the last film you've seen in a theater? The last you've seen at home?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 was the last movie I saw at the theatre. Last one I watched at home would be the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film.

4) Favorite tv series currently airing or in in-between seasons hiatus?
Yikes! Tough choice. I'm currently working my way through season 2 of Community, which I absolutely adore. I'm also catching up with Walking Dead (almost there! I caught the newest episode last night anyway, just because I could) and Downton Abbey was a fun fling there for a bit, but I was disappointed by season 2. Anxiously waiting for season 2 of A Game of Thrones next April!
(also Ponies <3)

5) A book you hated.
I don't know! I usually don't remember books I hate, or I don't finish them. The science fiction genre does nothing for me, how's that?

6) A guilty pleasure.

~*~*~*~Diet Mt. Dew~*~*~*~*

7) A joke that always makes you laugh;
"Oh, I love sausage festival! Like in Vienna!" (also Mean Girls quotes)

8) First three tabs you usually open in your browser
Gmail, twitter, tumblr.

9) A chore that you hate doing; and/or a chore that doesn't feel like a chore at all to you
I hate putting gas in my car.

10) If you were a millionaire, what's the most insane/eccentric thing you would do with your money?
I would buy a dance dance revolution arcade machine. Maybe three. And then I would have awesome arcade DDR dance parties. Also I would buy a proper van and airbrush all kinds of tacky fantasy art on it.

11) Did you actually ever read Jimmy Wales' personal appeal on wikipedia or does his face prevent you from clicking on the link?
Actually yes! I did read it. :) But I didn't donate any money.
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