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Jun 17, 2006 22:46

today was the best. it started when my mom woke me to tell me she was going to pick up 5 baby birds that mother had died (which is sad, but at least we can help). they arae so small and cute and they have lil afros..lol their eyes arent even open yet. reeeaaaallly young. but yea..just so you know-feed baby birds the hard cat food but you have to put it in warrm water and let it soak so it gets soft, and we feed them with tweezers.(lol just in case this happens to you..then you call wildlife rehabilitation centers!)ok..so then i was going to my volunteer place while my mom stayed home with the baby birds and i get there and there is like a box and it has a trash bag in it so i dont pay attention to it but then i look down and there is the cutest lil kitten and the lady tells me that her 2 back legs are crippled and so i take her out and i snuggle her in my sweater and she started purring! but its so sad/cute when she moves cus she just like crawls and drags her lil legs behind her. but ive seen kittens like it before. its just that the nerves in her back legs havent really developed fully yet..it only takes time and movement and soon she will be perfect. but she is soo sweet and i couldnt do anything but pay attention to her alll day. soon i will get to foster her and she can come sleep with me! im sooo excited. then i came home and took care of the baby birds again. my day was full of babies. :)
plus day after tomorrow, my love gets to come share all this happiness with me!
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