
Jul 19, 2004 11:50

so today me and ammers went and seen the notebook...OMG i have neer cried so hard at a movie b4...it was so romantic...i think every girl wished for love like in that movie...omg and the guy noah in the movie is super sexy...i feel in love with him...ahh..lol anyways...so today i went and picked up my check from work and it is almost gone cause i had to give the money to mela...haha.... so ya once again in life i am broke....then the other day someone called me and i was kinda excited about it caus ei have not heard from them in a while...then i called him back later,....and realize that some people never change...no matter how bad you want them to...i took a step back and looked at my life...and i dont wanna make my self look like and idiot anymore...why do i still like people who treat me like shit....i dont know....mabye cause i have like no other way to like ever see him....so i am still stuck on that image of how they used to be...and not how they are now....o well... i get told all the time how beautiful i am..and all this shit...not that i believe them but how can people tell me that and me still not have a boyfriend....maybe it is some sort of personality defeshnacy i have...i dont know some one needs to let me know here.....please.... i just have never meet one guy in my life that has been so head over heels for me....that they would do anything for me...i am always the one dropping everything for them....well i am starting over now....there is no looking for it....when it comes it comes...there are lots of guys out there and dammit one of them is for me....and the other guy i was talking to he wasnt all that anyways....there are some way hotter nicer guys for me :)lol well i have to work in the morning so i will ttyl night night to all

~ Danny


~~ so much for my happy ending~~
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