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Jun 16, 2009 07:30

School ended yesterday with an hour of fun field day activities and memory book signing. I was invited to several summer birthday parties (and someone's beach house). I had a very fun morning, playing games I wanted to join in and laughing at kids doing games that looked just plain stupid. It was a nice last day of school. No tears (whew!) just plenty of hugs from the kids and promises to visit me next year. So today I go back to finish cleaning my room (not a whole lot to do) and then PAINT! I'm really excited to paint because that means no more huge-ass butcher paper covered bulletin boards. My classroom will be earth friendly. :)

I got my scores back from my reading specialist test yesterday. I am now "highly qualified" to be a reading specialist if ever I want to give up the classroom teacher gig (which I do someday). I'm way psyched that I passed. Something else to add to my certificate to make me look awesome. :)
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