May 04, 2009 21:58
Ok, before anyone gets on the 'You're Prejudice' parade or starts thinking that I'm homophobic, you better stop right now.
I feel that homosexual relationships are just like heterosexual relationships. The only difference is it's two of the same sex and not one of each. To me the relationships are the same and should be treated as such. However, I am heterosexual and there is just something very appealing to me, watching a man and a woman interact in a relationship, rather than a man and a man or a woman and a woman. There is something spine tingling sexy about a man who is loyal to his wife and lifts her finer featured jaw up to look in her eyes and kiss her passionately. I'm sorry; I just find hetero relationships kind of old fashioned yet comfortable, like a warm pair of socks straight from the dryer.
Don't get me wrong, watching two men kiss is extremely hot, and very sexy, from a female stand point. Yet there is something about a very strong, tender, loving, but stubborn man, trying to tame a wild female, or caring for a female, that is just precious and beautiful to me. I mean, I look around today and it seems like homosexual relationships are almost the 'in' thing. That's great that homosexuality can be celebrated in society and that people should be allowed to express themselves freely. However, my point is that if you have tried vanilla and you're a huge fan of vanilla, then someone offers you chocolate and you taste it and like it, it doesn't mean that you're going to abandon vanilla.
I guess, maybe my main point is, sometimes in today's society, I feel behind or left out, because I like the 'traditional'. It doesn't mean that I don't like the new, but I just feel like there is a ton of slash fiction being made and read, and the 'old fashioned' romance is being abandoned by writers. Maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy for enjoying the old ways, but I seriously think a well formed romance is always a winner, whether it's a girl and a boy, two boys, or two girls. (I just hope all the boys haven't left with each other and forgotten all the girls.)