Mar 29, 2009 20:41
While I have a few minutes I'll post this. However it's hard sleeping days. I wake up sometimes and forget what day, time, place and ect I am. I have to have my cell phone next to my bed in order to remember what day/night it is. I about freaked out when I woke up because I didn't know what day or time it was. Oiy.
Anyhow, church was good this morning. I am in the young adult class and there are some 'middle agers' in our class that should be in another class not ours and weren't there today. It was a refreshing change because the four of us that were in class all grew up together except one. She was marriage to a guy that grew up with the rest of us. Point being, this little group has see the church through different eyes and there are not many of us in the church. Our church members are mostly 50+, which is fine but after they die off there will be nothing in the church to grow on. So the four of us talked about how we wish we could get more people our age to attend. All in all it was a good meeting.
Yesterday, I worked with the parks and drove folks around the country side looking at Bald Eagle Nests and looking at birds. We saw Bald Eagles, an American Kestler, Trumpetter Swans, Loons, ducks of several types, Blue Herons, Red Tailed Hawks.
It was awesome. We watched some Eagles eat something in their nests. There was a pair of eagles sitting on a branch together. We seen them fly way up over head. I watched them with a pair of binoculars. My heart was filled with joy at the fact that we seen so many awesome birds. The Loons were a great surprise because Debbie never seen loons around here before. So it was cool. The swans were a neat treat to watch swim in the water. Plus the Blue Heron's nests looked like something out of a Doctor Sussuse book.
We watched an American Kestler hunt for food. They are the smallest hawk in America. They have a behavior called 'kiting' that is where they can hover over the ground while they lock in on prey. It was so cool to watch the little hawk just float there in the air.
I felt so energized emotionally and spiritualy by that trip around the county. I could feel close to my God by enjoying his world. After the trip I was able to come home and get some sleep before work. However it was rather lacking and my body was really tired when I got home from work and church. I slept from 11am to 8pm. That's about nine hours, but it helps. Now I have to get ready for work.
Well I got to go. Next week is going to be a little on the rough side too but I'm making time for myself.
(Schedule will be posted tomorrow)