Everyone is attempting to follow WC simply because it's Hetalia related amirite?

Jun 16, 2010 11:07

In my case, my parents don't like football so I never knew when what match was. They somehow always avoided it, and I always had to hear who won what match through classmates, it made me sad in my pants. :(  I love watching football;;

The Netherlands - Denmark match was boring in the beginning but in the second half it was way more interesting! But I guess it was mainly boring to me because Germany's match against Australia was just too good!
And I expected the Netherlands to play on the same level... oh well! Brazil got me excited again though, I only watched the second half (I forgot the time XD) but that's when it became good anyway 8D I'm sad that I'll miss the second half of the match with Spain - Switzerland, I want to see the whole thing so badly ;A; I'll have to watch the taped stuff on www.nos.nl when I get home... T__T

I'm supporting Germany, Spain and the Netherlands :D Anyone wanting to boast about their favourites too? I'd love to hear your favourites!! :Db

Oh and something related to the WC, it has cuss words XD and you probably can't read it, but that's fine :'D

Because the American newspapers like to make themselves look like retards. <3 (and yes, I do know what they meant with it. It still looked retarded to me. :D )

america, doodles, small talk, england

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