First Night [Action]

Mar 04, 2010 16:25

[In the middle of the previous night, a note will be left under the door of Clark Kent.  It reads as follows:]


There are urgent matters to discuss.  Be on top of Community Housing 7 at midnight.

[The note is not signed and not dated.  Mysterious letter is mysterious.  The only question is whether or not Clark will meet him there at the ( Read more... )

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Comments 188

[action] book_of_chaos March 5 2010, 06:17:49 UTC
[If he happens past house 31 in the middle of the village, Batman will see a short height-challenged boy with cat ears working just outside the house, on the porch. A lamp made out of a glass jar sits on the porch railing, giving him light to work by.

Shouldn't someone be telling kids to go to bed at sane times?]


[Action] cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 07:23:18 UTC
[Maybe, but that's not the Dark Knight's job. Instead, he's quietly observing what Leon's working on. What sort of science is he performing...?]


[Action] book_of_chaos March 5 2010, 08:09:11 UTC
[Though what he's writing is probably not visible, Leon is clearly writing something with a pencil on a sheet of paper. He then places a very small lump of metal (some tungsten, gathered with help from Alphonse) onto the sheet.

There's a steady glowing light as Leon begins to transmutate the metal.]


[Action] cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 17:25:51 UTC
[He knows what this is. Though he isn't able to see just what metal Leon's transmuting, he's read enough about it in the past. Alchemic transmutation. This would be considerably more dangerous if Luceti had an economy to speak of, however.

But he'll watch and wait. Gold was worthless, so maybe he's doing something else...]


rabidrapido March 5 2010, 06:36:24 UTC
[Well Bats, we have ourselves a blue dog wandering the streets near the shops. Looks like he's searching for something, nose low to the ground.]


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 07:25:24 UTC
[...A dog? Strange looking one at that. Never seen one carry a pipe before, or with a knife scabbard either. He'll watch quietly for a moment. Probably more to this one than first glance would suggest.]


rabidrapido March 6 2010, 02:44:42 UTC
[His ears twitch, and then he fiddles with his pipe as he wanders towards the steps of one of the stores. Looks like the front of the bakery. He glances around before pawing a part of the stone wall. One of the stone blocks moved as he paws at it to get it out. It made a dull thud as he pokes his head inside and pulls out...looks like a small bag]


cowledcrusader March 6 2010, 04:13:34 UTC
[...This dog is well trained and very intelligent. Doesn't seem like a thief, but it's definitely suspicious. What's he gonna do with that bag?]


markofthebrave March 5 2010, 17:19:40 UTC
[If Batman's anywhere by the Avatar house this evening, he'll see Katara going through some practice forms. She's got a few buckets full of water beside her and is concentrating fully on the precision of her movements. After the recent battle in the square, she's determined not to let any sloppiness leak into her forms; she needs her responses to be automatic.]


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 17:28:56 UTC
[...As he figured from his research, more than half the town was capable of metahuman or magical feats. This girl was definitely no exception. The movements looked oddly familiar, however. Was she utilizing a form of martial arts to manipulate that water?]


markofthebrave March 5 2010, 19:29:03 UTC
[It wouldn't be at all surprising if Batman recognized the form as the Ku-style of Tai Chi, since the movements are very similar. Just not usually accompanied with spirals of water circulating the body in tight control, or as Katara suddenly moves one arm forward, used as a whip to slice a precise inch off of a log. Katara immediatelly follows up with another whip, attempting to slice that second one in half before it falls to the ground. It's not a perfect half, though it does work. She withdraws, causes the water to coil around her again, and begins to repeat the form.]


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 19:48:18 UTC
[It seemed... this girl had the power to control water at her will when she performed this form of Tai Chi. He had seen variations of hydrokensis before, but this style seemed unique. For now he'll just keep watching for a short bit. Just what else could she do with this power?]


lookslikeajob March 5 2010, 19:09:30 UTC
[The letter is incredibly recognizable to Clark. The handwriting, the timing, even the mystery surrounding it... all classic Batman.

Heading out to the designated meeting spot dressed as his "Clark Kent" persona, he ponders when Bruce got here, what he'll have to say, and just how in general this meeting is going to go. As he makes his way through building seven and on to the roof, he steps out onto the middle of it to wait.

Batman will be there soon enough.]


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 19:53:30 UTC
[...Or he's already there, lurking in the shadows near the edge of the building. He'll speak up from the darkness, though when he turns to face him, Clark should easily be able to see his outline against the night sky.]

You're early, Clark.


lookslikeajob March 5 2010, 20:01:38 UTC
[Clark doesn't turn to look at Bruce right away, looking up at the sky for a couple moments with a little smile on his face. Good old Batman.]

Guess I am. But what did you expect? [At that point he turns to look at him, typical grin in place.] My schedule's a bit more open here.


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 20:08:16 UTC
[Same old Superman. As much as it can be, that's something of a relief to the Dark Knight. Not that he'd say as such.]

You're making due. I take it you're well aware of the dangers here.


death_orange March 5 2010, 21:08:57 UTC
[here have the kid with THE GIANT KNIFE /zelda ref walking by. he's just putting said knife away, and is a bit sweaty. he's also glowing just a faint blue, and that's getting fainter and fainter as he keeps moving into town. inspect?]


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 21:41:04 UTC
[Another warrior. Looks like he had just participated in some training, given his lack of injuries and casual gait. The glowing isn't surprising him anymore, given what he's seen tonight. He likely has some sort of magical attunement too.

Stealthily hiding in the shadows above, he observes where he's moving to. At this point, it's probably nothing out of the ordinary, but one can never be too sure.]


death_orange March 5 2010, 22:00:06 UTC
[reaching his apartment, he takes a quick shower, and then begins to attempt some kind of dinner. looks like it's curry again tonight. :|]


cowledcrusader March 5 2010, 22:02:16 UTC
[Nothing strange here. For now Batman simply leaves. He won't learn anything about his abilities if he's not going to be fighting. There's still a lot to do tonight...]


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