The Eighth Night [Action, AU Event]

Aug 20, 2010 22:10

[It's been a fairly uneventful week for Bruce Wayne, who has been enjoying himself in Luceti, despite how dull it is in comparison to Gotham City.  He's been spending most of the week wandering around town, and thankfully because Batman's not the most social of creatures, he isn't much confused by a lot of the people he's running into.

So.  For all intents, there's a comfortably dressed, tall man who most people probably haven't seen much of in the past.  Unlike Batman, this Bruce is a social creature, given that his parents never died and he was never Batman to begin with.   Bruce will be wandering around town most of the day in various places, so he might run into your character... or you can approach him and see who this guy is.

However, after the day is done, Bruce returns to his house that he shares with the Justice League.  He'll make his way to his own room, which seems uncharacteristically bare.   It hasn't bothered him much, though when he decides to go get a change of clothes for after taking a shower, he stumbles upon a hidden compartment in his closet.

...Inside the closet is his Batsuit... or rather, Batman's batsuit... as well as several pieces of his crimefighting equipment.  Utterly shocked, Bruce takes out some of it and begins examining it.  Housemates are free to catch him making the discovery of "his" gear.]

...What is all of this?

[OOC: For purposes of tagging, I will be using  nocapesorcowls  from here out.]
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