If you have a 360, and you like traditional RPGs, do yourself a favor and buy the newest attempt at making the 360 popular in Japan: Mistwalker's Lost Odyssey. But, I'm not here to gush over games (or, at least, not right now anyway). The entire reason for mentioning the game is to tell you that there was some sort of Pre-Order bonus at EBGames consisting off a bonus dream scenario and a bonus accessory. If you weren't lucky enough to pre-order it, if you act fast you can still snag the extra content.
Make a Japanese XBOX Live account, then navigate to the Lost Odyssey section (spelled ロストオデッセィin Japanese). If you scroll down through the content, you'll notice that there is one free downloadable content item, and one for 200points.
If you download the free content, it turns out that it's the exact same content as the US pre-order bonus. Originally, the US bonus was supposed to be a new weapon instead of an accessory, but it seems like they got lazy and just used the same content. If you're wondering about the 200point content, yes, it is also compatible with US 360s and US versions of Lost Odyssey. It contains an FMV viewer that lets you view old movies from the game, as well as an additional item and dream sequence.