Rules: Once you've been tagged, write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
- People know me b/c of my hair. It's long, wavy, and there's LOTS of it.
- I'm half-Japanese and half-Chinese, but overall, probably one of the whitest people you'll ever know.
- I recently became enamored with running. Is good.
- I not-so-recently became enamored with a man. Is good.
- I love to play guitar, but will probably never play for you.
- I love to sing while I play, but will probably never sing for you. (Its sorta like singing in the shower. It's one of those things you do, but will never admit you do. Unless you're doing one of those stupid confessional questionnaires. LOL)
- I draw. It's like therapy. And it produces beautiful results... both on paper and otherwise.
- I'm an old soul.
- Apparently, I'm intimidating. Yea, I don't get it either, but that's what I've been told by multiple people.
- I have trouble drinking wine WITHOUT swirling (and sniffing) before. (Sometimes I even swirl water out of habit.) Yea, I look like a complete wine snob.
- I'm NOT a wine snob.
- I am not picky. I just know what I want.
- I would like to travel more.
- I treat my dogs like children. Also, I like most dogs more than most children.
- I would LOVE to work at a place like Dogtown.
- I think I have the most beautiful friends around!
- My goal this year is to write for myself once again.
- I plan on writing one Yelp! review a day this entire year (ref #17).
- I'm a giver, not a taker. I love to spoil those I love.
- I'm a sucker for Farmer's Markets and flowers.
- I love to speed and take hard turns. I need my sports car back! Fast turns in psuedo-SUVs... not so much.
- I LOVE eating! Another dream job would be being a food review critic. Dining and writing for a living? SWEET!
- I took my bf to Kauai for xmas this December. It was definitely a trip to remember and to repeat again soon!
- I'm pretty open about sharing crap about myself (hence, why I'm actually doing this).
- I'm typically a chain email HATER, not PARTICIPATOR. I absolutely LOATHE them. And even though this is basically one of those, I must be in a really good mood since I'm actually participating. Wierd.