...today was fun...chelsey & i thought of a plan 2 go 2 the Crystal Ball 2gether & get a limo & wear bright azz dressed then i kept pushin ben around lol...Mike kept pokin me & Tyler & Jarred kept callin me fat, i fuckin hate them...Mur kept tellin me how he wanted 2 go home wit me after so he could hang out wit my mom, oh my he wishes, lol...he kept talkin bout Rachel...i think im goin 2 the game on Friday...anyways sorri 2 cut short but i gotta get ready 4 Drivers Ed...
Part 1: Today
What was the first thought you woke up with today? should i wear the cowboy boots or the tims?!
What side did you get out of bed? umm i think if u look @ my bed its the right
Whats the first thing you looked at this morning? a picture of 2 ppl that mean a lot 2 me...yall could probally guess & they not family
What are you wearing on this fine day? cowboy boots, john deere hoodie, tan rodea pants & a hard rock cafe t-shirt
What did you have for breakfast? coffee & an english muffin
Lunch? chicken nuggets, rice, bread stick & sweet tea
Dinner? i havnt ate that yet
What's the weather like right now? ummm its actually not 2 cold out but no sun neither so its a lazy day a good day 2 get high lol
Part 2: You as a person.
Are you easily annoyed? yell fuckin yea
What's your worst personality trait? i flip out real easily & im real bossy its my way or the highway
What's your best personality trait? i love 2 smile & i dont give 1 fuck of what ppl think of me
Would you be friends with you, and why? hell yea we would be a wild bunch
What inspires you? me myself & i
Are you optimistic? it depends
What’s your philosophy? Fuck the world & lets get high
Describe yourself in 3 words: energinic, crazy, & wild
Part 3: Sexual questions.
Are you looking? i dunno
How far would you go on a first date? i dunno
Do you have a favourite spot eh? well sorta but no
Kissing with tongues? yea
The more the merrier?lol im confused
When you think of sex? yea i sumtimes think im a sex fen
who's the first person who enters your head? well it could either be person #1 or person #2
Part 4: Movies.
Favorite movie OF ALL TIME? Varsity Blues
If you could look like any movie star, who would it be? ummm Angelia Joline
If you could take all your favorite body parts from movie stars, what parts from whom would you take? the stomach, legs, feet, fingers & ummm probally the face strutuce
Would you ever act out an explicit sex scene? it depends
Ever watched an erotic movie and enjoyed it (and by that I don‘t mean the actual plot)? yes Stripers
Saddest film: The Notebook or A Walk To Remember
Funnist film: The Johnsons Family Renion
Scariest film: Finding Nemo
Oddest film: The Amytiville Horror
What was your favorite movie as a child? maybe the Nightmare Before Christmas
Favorite movie Quote (S)? All girls are panty droppers...u give them 1 vik 3 perks & a couple beers & the panty drop its nice very nice-Tweeter off of Varsity Blues
Part 5: Music
List your favourite bands/ singers? Backstreet boys or Brooks & Dunn
Who has the sexiest singing voice? probally AJ Mclean from BBS or Nelly oh baby no maybe even Juvinelle
Do guitar solos make you horny? i dont fuckin listen 2 guitar shyt
Most frequently listened to cd? Garth Brooks-Greatest Hits
ONE band whom you hate with a vengeance? N'Sync
Do your friends ever make you compilation tapes? umm confused
If yes, do you appreciate them? sure
Any song which reminds you of you? Three Six Mafia-Late Night Tips or even Christina Aguleria-Infatution
The most sad song ever? Leader of the Pack-Shin-ga-las
The most annoying song ever? Toxic-sum Justin Timberlake song
The most Odd song ever? Barbie-Aqua & Hotel California-Eagles
What station is your radio tuned into? 106.7 or 105.1
Do you like your parent’s taste in music? yea a lot of it especial my dads Conway Twitty & moms Eagles
Whose voice would you love to have? Mariah Carey
Part 6: Last time you...
Cried: Saturday
Listened to music: a lil bit ago
Watched a movie: last night-Taking Lives
Got emotional over a song/movie: yesterday
Went for a walk: umm i think it was Friday
Screamed: today
Laughed hysterically: today
Had a naughty thought: yesturday
Were surprised: last night when dad brought me home sumthin
Spent money: today
Were annoyed: today
Had sex: no comment
Went canoeing: never
Swore out loud: today
Were completely and utterly disgusted: TODAY
Part 7: Favorites
Fruit: apples
Vegetable: ummm i think spargus
Swear word: Fuck or Fuckin Asshole
Item of clothing: shoes
Jewelery: this braclet thats silver & got it on V-day
TV program: Law & Order SVU & Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Book: Harry Potter & My Sweet Audrine
CD: Conway Twittys
Shampoo: Tres its in a purple bottle & i love this cocnut stuff
Animal: horses duh
Person to laugh at: probally myself
Thing to do alone: think, read & totally SLEEP & i love to dance in front of the mirror
Thing to do with friends: get completly trashed, go wild & sing & dance 2 country music wit Rachel in my kitchen
Store: probally Macys orrrrr this one in San Diego, Cali @ Fashion Valley
Thing in your bedroom: my big ass tiger aww its sooo cuddly
Room in the house: ummm either the kitchen or my room
Teacher at school: well in beaver it was Mr.Ambrose, Mr.Beltz & Mr.Russo & in Freedom its Mrs.Inota or Mr.Rosa
Subject in school: Math or Art
Book Character: Harry Potter
Random word: FUCK
Chocolate bar: Twix
Your beauty is all your own! You don't like to be
the same as everyone else and find that being
unique makes you more attractive. The normal
trends just don't fit you and things are just
more fun when they're upside down. You love to
be the one that turns heads with individuality
and spunkiness. You're kind of beauty, I would
say, could be characterized by your confidence.
Though it's not a physical trait, it
deffinately shows on you. Rock on!(If you can't
see the pics, go to my homepage and look near
the bottom and find your result)
What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS) brought to you by
you are methamphetamine (or speed). you have tons
of energy, are constantly bouncing off the
walls, and have tons of things to say, whether
they make sense or not. when you are not like
this you are often paranoid of everyone, even
your friends. sort of makes you think why you
have any, right?
what drug are you? brought to you by