Jul 09, 2007 17:47
It took me nearly two weeks to determine that the nasty smell in my new apartment was coming from the garbage disposal. First I tried to deodorize it (suggestion found on the internet: 1 part vinegar, 1 part water, freeze into ice cubes. Pour ice cubes down the garbage disposal and let it chomp them up.) Well, the disposal wouldn't chomp the ice, and I had a feeling it wasn't doing well with what little food I'd put down it, so I called the management company and requested repair service.
I came home today to discover I now have a totally new garbage disposal! Wow, what a change from my previous situation. (If there had been a garbage disposal the landlady would have said something like "the disposal is a bit delicate...you need to put food in carefully..." and nevermind the awful smell.)
Now, here's a question for you: I am an ignoramus when it comes to garbage disposals. Do I need to run water when I flip the switch? How much food can it handle? Are there any foods garbage disposals hate?