Sep 12, 2005 20:30
wow.. so i really suck at this updating thing but oh well at least im updatin.
lets see.. im agreeing with beth Journalism is startin to REALLY suck i want to go back to my math class because man that was gonnna be an easy class and with this one I am going to SO fail. .i've already have failed to tests... and i think thats how it's goin to be ALL freakin year.. i should have listened to Robbie.. =(( Journalism i have a story to thats' due on friday and i haven't done anything for it... i think i'm gonna bust my rump and do it on wed.
I had a big scare tho with swm..zelov said i was going to be eneligible...and it scared me but my coach said i was fine as long as i do good these 4 weeks if i don't than... i'll be in BIG trouble.. but as of right now i can swim THANK GOD! i want to soo bad.. i was doing my hw and i wanted to swim sooo bad! it looked like fun! congrats with beth 63!!!! i wonder what i can do but yea i think i was a 57 the first practice... =(( i know i suck!
ugh i have to do icky homework....
but i just found out my great g-ma isn't doing well at all...i don't know if she'll make it.. i really hope she does i'm REALLY close to her! i cried for 3 hours.... =<< i want her to be ok... please pray for her...
and my aunt shes doing ok...ok so shes not doing ok she has to go into surgury cuz she has too much spinal fluid. it's to difficult to explain.. but she has to get another shunt in her head cuz the one thats there isn't working.... please pray for her too....
man it's been an emotional day...
well i got to get to homework..not that it matters to anyone.. no one reads my journal anymore except bethie... but it feels good to let things out...
luv ya bye