(no subject)

Jan 19, 2008 19:15

I think that I will take after Winnie and do an anonymous rant, because I think I'm in need of some venting.

1. Seriously, at this very moment you are being a hyparcrite. The last time I told you that it didn't turn out good. You get mad at someone for doing the same thing your doing to me, and it's not acceptable. It's getting to the point of where I'm angry with you, and I don't want to be angry. We seem to be fighting a lot, and although you might not care its killing me. Within one text, I felt like you just gave up on our friendship which is something that I never want to happen...and i'm thinking it might actually end, which would probably kill me even more. We never talk like we used to, and I miss having you there and knowing that I could talk to you. I really don't like you SO much right now, but at the same time love you...is that even possible? I don't know what to do about it either.

2. I really don't want to be friends with you anymore. You annoy me so much that I can't stand to be around you, although a majority of the time I'm forced to be around you. You think we are such great friends, but seriously? when has that ever been the case? Your a self-centered person, which everyone has their moments...yours just happens to be all of the time. When I take time out to listen to your problems, do you ever do anything back like listening to mine? No. Being friends is a two way street, you've got to take what you need and give what you can. Plus, don't talk smack about my friends and then get mad when I stand up for them. Thats something that really pisses me off. Oh and no one can ruin your reputation but yourself, so stop blaming others for your mistakes.

3.I love being your friend. You always seem to be able to put a smile on my face even when I'm crying, which is more than it used to be. You keep me in the loop with everything, which is so nice I love it. Plus your always there if I'm ever in the need to talk, and I hope that you feel the same about me if not we should change that. You always have this fresh outlook on life, and are willing to try new and different things with me.  I love you and I don't know what I would do without you.

4. You are probably one of the most couragous people that I know. I admire you so much for that. You can always make me laugh, no matter what, and especially if I need it. You also are there when I'm in need to talk, and again I hope that you feel the same. You tell everything like you see it, holding back nothing. If your thinking it, then everyone around you knows it, and again that deals with your couragousness.  And I love you and  I don't know what I would do without you in my life.

5. I wish you were more understanding, but then it's partially my fault for not wanting to talk about it. I guess if you wanted to pay attention to my life, you would attempt to be involved in it. I'm really sorry that I hurt you, that was far from my intentions. But unless you talk to me, I have no idea whats going on in your head, and why you've been treating me like this. I'm hoping that you will either talk to me, or over time things will get better...but right now things aren't looking too good.

6.  You are a pretty good person, but you care about your past too much. Move on, you might have to do it slowly, but in order to live your life now you need to move on from the past. Your someone I can talk to, maybe not about the gross details or anything like that, but the basics just work well enough. Stand up for yourself, and let people know what you think. Don't worry about being popular because that's such a waste of time.

7. I miss you SO much, you don't have any idea how much.  I really want to talk to you more, but you are one of the busiest people that I know and I understand that, so I cherish every moment I get to talk to you...really I do. You are crazy for that too btw, but that's why I love you. You just need to make up your mind, one way or another, on what you really want to do about that relationship. Personally, I think he's a piece of shit, but thats me and a few others. You have to do what you want to do.

8. Dude, we've had some killer times. We definatley need to talk more, seriously. Catch up, get some coffee that whole deal. I know I can always talk to you about anything, seriously, with all of the dirty details.You are a brave soul too, and that seriously rocks.

9. We text all of the time, but when it comes down to it we never get to really hang. I love how much you text me though, makes me feel special that I'm the one your talking to. I just wish you would stop using T9. You will get what you deserve one day, in a good way, you just have to wait longer than some. But once you get to that point, there's no stopping you. Seriously, your a man killer, or will be. While I was writing this you texted me, and made me smile!

10. You, no doubt, are my best friend. I always talk to you when I'm at home and you always tend to make me feel a little better. You always run up to me when I'm crying, and cuddle with me. I wish I could bring you to school with me, but they wouldn't like that too much. You are ALWAYS happy to see me, which makes coming home so much better. I love you SO much.

Okay that's all i'm in the mood for writing. The last one was to my dog in case you were wondering. I'm going to leave the comment option up, but I won't respond if you ask to who each are for. You will know if one is for you. And i'm leaving it public, which I haven't done in a long time but if those who don't have lj happen to read it, then who am I to stop them
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