I dont write in here like i should. i know i suck. so i quit outback! yay me! i work at
http://www.paradisevalleycc.com/ its pretty sweet. its different every day. i do banquets, so like weddings and stuff. right now we pretty much have a christmas party every day. its fun. and guess what! no more tips! WOOHOO! i hate living off tips, so i am happy to get a hourly job now. I also moved in with my boyfriend brian. we live on Higly and Southern. I live with him, Nettie, Conrad, and marcus. Conrad and Marcus's sister is moving in too i think. so its a full house, but its fun. Amanda is gonna be here on the 21st! yay! im so excited!! i really wanna go to applebees alot while she is here, like old times. so maybe we can go on the 21st if she is not too tired. if not we can go a few days after. so i want everyone to add that to their calendars! YOU WILL GO TO APPLEBEES! haha jk you dont have to if you dont want to but i know you do want to because everyone loves applebees, and everyone loves amanada so therefor everyone REALLY loves applebees with amanda. i think you all get the point that we will be going. hmmm what elce...myspace is being dumb, thats probably why i am here, i never use livejournal but i was bored, so here i am. well im gonna go now. i <3 you all and i love amanda and i love applebees! :)