Apr 18, 2004 21:23
friday: came to work had a great time. i got to leave early so i wouldn't be over in hours, so that was nice. when i left here i had to go cash my check and then went to walmart to pick up something for the rod runs on saturday in pigeon forge, tn. after walmart i went to my friend daniel's house to drop off o'reilly nhra thunder valley national tickets to him and roach to say thanks for putting my cd player in my car. that night we had dinner at my old preacher's house, our new preacher came over and we had spagetti. it was nice, i was a little bored but it was nice. i fell asleep at one point and then left and went to dusin's. i stayed with him a little while and then went over to nicole's to go to sleep.
saturday: we woke up at 5:15 to get ready to leave by 6 to go to the rod runs. we were running a little behind but then we finally got to pigeon forge around 8:30. we went to this little store where nicole and ty went for their honeymoon and looked at some things. they had a big section of john deere stuff, i was in heaven. i LOVE john deere!! and then we headed into town. it was so busy early in the morning. my first time ever to the rod runs. it was awesome! dustin had to work so he didn't get to go, but i missed him the whole time. we walked around until around 3:00 and then we went to a park so tori could play after that we went to nascar cafe to eat. it was really cool. after dinner ty got sick so we just decided to go home. it took us an hour and a half to get to tammy's car from nascar cafe, when it should have taken 15-20 min tops. it was crazy, but fun. we got home around 11:30 that night.
sunday: i met up with dustin and we went to his mammaw's. it was really nice just me and him driving up there. we talked a lot about us and where we wanted to head to. it was a nice talk. when we got to his mammaw's he wasn't to happy about something in the yard so he went outside to go get the tractor and fix it. i sat inside with his mammaw and uncle and we just talked and then she decided to fix something to eat. i helped her peel potatoes, dustin walked in and thought it was wierd to see me sitting there helping. but that is me i am nice and i don't want someone else to do the work, i want to help. and then his mammaw's cousin came in and remembered dustin and asked if i was his wife....we said no! it was funny though, because a day doesn't go by and we don't hear something about marriage, it never fails. oh well, it was just funny. we got back to bristol around 4:00 and had to go get a piece of equipment and take it to his bosses house. after that we went back to his apartment and just layed around and talked. i got home around 11:30 and went to bed.
so this brings us to today. nothing has been going on this morning. just answering e-mails and phone calls that is it. i worked on donations for paige to get them sent out. and now i am just sitting here thinking of dustin and wish this day would end so that i could see him. i miss him so much during the day, and he tells me he misses me too. he told me last night that the past two weeks have been wonderful and he wouldn't trade it for anything. he wouldn't take back anything. i wouldn't either. i like him so much and would do anything for him. we were talking yesterday how he is going to be buying a piece of land and then wants to put a house on it. we were talking about what we liked and didn't like, pretty much we were thinking the same things. it is wierd how life is and the things that happen around you. i don't know what i would do without him, honestly and it has only been a little over 2 weeks. i hope everyone else out there finds love and sticks with it, because when you find it you know it and you don't ever want to let go of it. i know i don't, because for once in my life i am extremely happy and i wouldn't change anything for the world.
but anywho that is enough about me. i am going to get back to work. i will talk to everyone later! lovers ya all.