Dec 15, 2007 16:58
1.) My laptop just BSoDd on me and refuses to start. Thankfully, I already backed everything up after last night's scare. But still. This is a horrible time for it to die, with finals next week.
2.) This morning my brother (a college freshman) and I (going on five years of college) got into a shouting match because he thinks it's rude of me not to trust my professors to put the right day and time for the final exam on their syllabi, despite the fact that I've had professors who a.) copied their syllabi from a previous semester and forgot to change the dates, b.) had to ask the students (sometimes multiple times) when the final is, or c.) were just plain old and looney and forget things. He said some nasty things which he refuses to apologize for, and now we aren't speaking. Monday's commute will be fun.
3.) I just drank some sour milk.
4.) Despite numerous requests to my father, he insists on doing something that I'm afraid is teaching Rascal bad manners. Dad can't get it through his head that, despite Rascal's gentle demeanor, Rascal is NOT just a big dog and needs constant reinforcement of the idea that the human is the leader. Dad just won't stop letting him get away with being pushy, and he won't stop messing with the horse, either. It makes me really upset.
5.) My school's website doesn't list the final exam schedule ANYWHERE. A site search for "final exam 2007" returns 0 results. A search for "final exam" returns 1 result that turns out to be a 404. The idea of strafing the president's office with a BB gun is more and more appealing all the time.