Feb 13, 2004 18:16
Howdy people.. how are you doing?? good? thats great! bad? im sry get better! :/ anyways about this title... i cant make this decision alone i need help on this...advice.. well you see, theres juan, and as those of you know read my journal and talk to me i really really like him ALOT, and we might be going back out soon and i really hope we do..and i want to be with him.. i really do.. and then theres my "bestfriend" who remains nameless... although he knows who he is.. and we jus got into a huge fight.. a realy big huge fight on th ecomputer.. and well juan and my "bestfriend" really REALLY REALLY dont like eachother.. and evern though i would like them to get along after the last thing that happened it know thats not going to happen.. its quite obvious.. because of them 2 and me is why juan and i arent ecatly together right now.. anyways.. i dont know if i want to continue being freinds with the on eperson and have a lesser chance of being with jaun aor do i wan tto be with juan (which i really really really do) and stop trying to be friends with this one person??
help me out.. gieve me advice.. let me know what you think PLEASE!