"Voulez vuco shea avec moi, ses swa?"

May 24, 2004 15:37

                  Hey people whats up? not much here. just chillin. the name is just because that happens to be the song that i am listening to at the current moment in time.. heh.. yes its french.. whee i know french! im okay. well lets see friday after work, after i finally got to my moms at like 10 or so, juan came over and we hung out and watched.. uh i forgot what we were watching but yeah.. we were watching something or another. anyways, then he left around 11 30 for work :( and i just kinda laid down and eventually fell asleep. then on saturyda i got up went into work mad early for the meeting then i went to work at 8 30 instead of nine since i was already there and i had no where else to go anyways. then after work we went to moms house and then after bugging juan to death i finally got him to let me see him, so i went over to his house and we laid down on the bed and well he watched the lakers basketball game. and i grabbed a towel and put in over him because he was still wet from the shower.. his stupid ass.. anyways.. then i went home and after awhile went to sleep. then on sunday i called into work sick because well i didnt feel good obviously but at like noon or so i was starting to feel better which was good. so when my mom finally got up we all, me my mom heatehr tiffany and trevor, all went to hopeville lake,. i got in that water which was like mad cold at first. swam around for about 15 mins got out and layed out in the sun. i got a tan! a little one.. but im getting there!!! lol. i will be dark this summer.. i am going to be tanning in the sun and in the booth! you can garuntee that! lol.. am i like white and i hate it! so much about me is going to be changed this summer... its not even funny.. yall have no idea.. im going to from nicole to NICOLE lol. if that makes any sense.. but yeah... well after we got back from the beach i tried to call juan AGAIN but he didnt answer again.. ( i tried to call him from 9 am up to this point and he was sleepign then no one answered) ... and i seen that he was online so i yelled at him to get off so i could FINALLY talk to him and after 20 mins he got off and i called him and explained to him that he could have sepnt the day with me but whatever.. then i told him to get ready for work and call me back and as it started getting late , to the time he had to go to work, i called him and he had unpluged the phonee.. which pissed me off.. and i havent talked to him since then.. so since about 9 45 pm last night i havent talked to him.. hes not even home now.. so idk what to think.. i hate when he damn lies.. that pisses me off.. anyways nothing else realy happened.. ecspecially not today.. so im outtie for nowie! peace!

Paul: Hey! one month for you is on my birthday we should celebrate together.. ! me, you , you know who. and juan!!! it wuold be fun as long as you and juan dont talk lol. *hugs* glad you are feeling better!

Juan: i dont know what to do with you sometimes! lol, but i sitll love ya

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