Jul 23, 2006 16:04
well let me start off by saying i love birthdays lol, and i loved all the birthday messages i got, they made my day. i got a sweet new ipod, and some stuff for the apartment, which makes me feel like im really growing up, cuz im so excited about decorating and getting appliences lol, oh and i also got a new coach purse, my boy has very good taste lol.
the last 2 days at work have sucked:
i dislike:
rude people that have no manners
people that talk ALL day and do nothing
actually people that just do nothing in general
not being respected
closing with 3 people
my schedules
and managers who don't know anything and cannot run a store to save their lives
ok im done, i feel better now.
this is from sarah, and i haven't done one in awhile so here wwe go.....
A is for age:
B is for beer of choice:
hmm i don't really like beer, but i have to say Corona is tasty
C is for career right now?
Target bitch.
D is for your dog's name?:
i don't have a dog :(
E is for essential item you use everyday:
Secret deoderent
F is for favorite tv show at the moment:
The Hills
G is for favorite game:
Twister haha
H is for Home town:
I is for instruments you play:
umm kinda the guitar and I can play Brahms Lulaby on the piano, i know amazing right?
J is for favorite juice:
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
All the LODs at Target...oh sarah im right there with you!
L is for last place you ate:
my kitchen table
M is for marriage:
not right now
N is for your full name:
Courtney Elizabeth Stackpoole
O is for overnight hospital stays:
quite a few when i was little, so i dont really know the #
P is for people you were w/ today:
all the Target people, along with my fav the gay-keeper lol
Q is for quote:
"i could run this store blindfolded and with both arms tied behinf my back....how would you get peoples change then?"
R is for Biggest Regret:
i don't know
S is for status:
status of what? cuz if it's relationships then taken, other than that i don't know what you would be asking status about
T is for time you woke up today:
V is for vegetable you love:
W is for worst habit:
shopping at Victoria Secret
X is for x-rays you've had:
uhh just at the dentist
Y is for yummy food you ate today:
omlette and sausage
Zis for zodiac sign: