Stolen from Kitty (eventually)

Nov 02, 2004 22:40

*le sigh* Estoy enamorada. Anyways, I'm bored, and not doing homework, so read this stuff. And learn you tiny fools.

10 Random Things About Me
10. I'm self-destructive
09. I'm allergic to cats
08. my favorite number is 4
07. I always wear my buddha
06. i don't like coffee
05. i like scars
04. i have glasses for reading
03. i want to run away to canada for like a week
02. i strongly dislike my younger sister
01. i'm terribly sad most of the time, you just can't tell

9 People I heart a lot [in no particular order]
09. Kim
08. Megan
07. Brooke
06. Kitty
05. Aunt Libby
04. Alex Sones
03. Jei
02. Alexia
01. J-Mo

8 Things I want to do before I die
08. write a novel
07. get a tattoo
06. tell everyone how I really feel
05. travel extensively
04. blow up my car
03. read all the books I've acquired over the years
02. find someone to speak french with
01. paint with my own blood

7 Ways to win my heart
07. know me
06. do something utterly thoughtful
05. hold my hand
04. compliment me in french
03. be there for me
02. humor me when I'm being a freak
01. don't be mad at me because of my self-destructive tendencies

6 Things I believe (in)
06. that ideas are better than beliefs
05. love.
04. stupidity should be painful.
03. karma.
02. fate.
01. people should be who they are, no matter what

5 Things I'm afraid of
05. being abandoned
04. people not loving me
03. dying alone
02. telling people what I really feel
01. falling off a really tall building

4 Of my Favorite Items in my bedroom
04. my buddhas
03. my picture-plastered walls
02. my music
01. memories stored in things i own

3 Things I do everyday
03. think of those i love
02. listen to soothing or enraging music
01. fiddle with my ear ring

2 Things I am trying not to do right now
02. cry- i miss my dad
01. lose what courage i have, i have important things to do

1 Person I want to strangle
01. Kiley. She just plain annoys me to the point of homicidal rage.

Ok, now you guys know more than you really need to. Be gone with you!
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