Nov 14, 2006 22:39
Okay so if my life was based on my last couple of days, I would have offed myself a longggg time ago.
Lets start with Sunday, the beginning. Work was dreary. It was rainy and gross out and Jess and I were the only two working. Funny thing is though. Randy decided to come in, after calling three times and saying he wasn't going to. So.. Jess and I ran around like chickens wih our heads cut off after we realized he was pulling into the driveway, and nothing was done in the barn. then he comes in all pissed off, hays the field, screams, and leaves.
So then, Jess and I are parinoid and people start coming. Slowly, but they start coming. I took out the first group, who were friends of mine, so it wasn't bad. Jess takes the second and some random guy walks in, and wants to go riding.. alone, by himself..he didnt bring anyone with him.
And, I got stuck with him. He hit on me the whole time.. and thought I was in my mid twenties. HAH. ohhh god. It got so bad that Jess's "boyfriend" rode out and tailed my ride for a bit.
But anyway, I come back and I got a migrane from riding phantom bareback. His trot jostled my head too much. I don't know, I get headaches too easily. So then, Jess has a ride of one person as well, and I'm left to clean the barn by myself. But now my headache is in full swing and for somereason when I get migranes I get dizzy and throw up. And I did. but whatever, I cleaned the barn and Jess came back just as I was shoveling all the of stuff from the stalls out.
Then I'm sitting at the barn for an extra half an hour I'd say because my dad has to come get me, because my boat is STILL getting fixed.. If I ever have a car to drive before I'm thirty, I'll be suprised. anyway. I get into the car and my dad tells me my grandmother probably isn't going to live much longer. greaatt.. I get home, take a shower, think about things and lay down and I get a call from someone incredibly pissed off.
Then someone comes to my house and well, after everything was said and done, I was screamed at by someone for helping someone else.. and I felt like shit, and was bawling my eyes out for most of the night.
Then Monday came.
I felt like shit and my eyes were still puffy from the night before, but I went to school, and I sat down first period in choir, next to someone who hasn't showered in weeks.. and as I started the daily routine of massage your neighbors back, the odor came pouring back to me. Needless to say I ran out of the room and threw up. It was joyus.
Then, 4th period, in gym.. Mr. Carney came up to me and gave me a cut slip, because I left Psych on Wedensday to go to the nurse, but I never signed in. So there for, according to my SUBSITUTE in psych, I blew off class to go to lunch. which is REALLY funny because I was in the nurses office, I just didn't sign in, and the last few minutes of the period, I went to talk to a teacher about something regarding this week. So, thankfully he just gave me a warning, but I have NEVER EVER been approached by a vice principal because of cutting a class. EVER. I don't cut class, I'm too scared to. So, as he was leaving I started crying again, and I bent down to do a stretch, and I lost it. So I went and hid by the locker room entrance, and sat there for a few minutes and cried until Mr. Point (however you spell his name) came over and asked me what was wrong.. I just told him I'd be fine in a few minutes and I didn't need to go to guidance or the nurse or anything. So I calmed down, and went and played basketball.
So, 5th Mr. Taylor tries to cheer me up in community service, 6th is fine as always, 7th.. I have the same sub again for psych. So, I calmly walk up to him and ask him why he filled out a cut slip. and basically, according to him, I was a deliquent and since I wasn't signed in down there, I obviously blew off class to go to lunch.
Yeah, there I am in a nutshell right there. WHAT THE HELL. I never do that, and I didn't do that. I don't like the lunch room, I haven't taken a lunch since 8th grade. ughh whatever, so I'm all upset again, and I walk into class, sit down, and I sit in a nice big wad of gum.
Just, to put the topping on my already shitty day. Then, Raissa told me to stay through for fullorch with her. So, I did.. but she ended up going out with a boyy :) so I was sitting doing nothing but observing fr a good three hours..
Then after I thought my shitty day had ended, after full orch, my dad was 45 minutes late in picking me up, then I had to go (this is 8:30 now) to another rehearsal, when all I wanted to do was crawl under a rock. I left my stuff in my dads car, all my books and everything, and went to rehearsal.
After rehearsal, and being screamed at by some phsyco woman in the cast to "cut my fingernails" my mom drove me home, and we got into a mini fight because I needed to go home and write a paper.
So I get home, I write my paper, come downstairs and my dad just looks at me and tells me my bad day didn't end yet. Then he goes into this story about how my moms van got stuck in mud so my brothers had to push her out.. and then they sat in my dads car.. and stepped on and trampled my books with their muddy feet. My books were COVERED with mud.
Now, by this time its 11:30 at night.. and I'm expecting the roof to cave in next. I can't believe so many bad things happened in one day. I wanted to kill myself, over and over and over again.
Today was much better.. until the drive to Woodbury with Juli, where she let me in on a conversation they had at her lunch table. heh heh.. I HATE THIS TOWN. I HATE VERNON HIGH SCHOOL. I Really cannot WAIT to leave. I really cant. Honestly, all it is, is drama central, and rumorville, and just guys lying about things and.. ;afhafhhadhad;khsfa I can't stand it. all I have to say is, thank god this little tidbit of information didn't make itself known yesterday.. otherwise I would have gone off the deep end.
anyway, Rehearsal for Counties tomorrow.. All day rehearsal for Counties Thursday.. County Concert Friday.
Then rehearsal in the city Saturday, and Monday. Performance Tuesday and Wedensday, Thursdays thanksgiving, Two performances Friday, Saturday and one on Sunday. GREEAAATTT.
Come See Two From Galilee.
West 95th and Broadway, November 24th, 25th, and 26th at 2 and 8 o'clock.