its official

Sep 06, 2005 16:33

so yes its official....after 2 wonderful but long years at Chik-fil-a...I'm leaving....I work tomorrow night 2-close and saturday night 2-close...then i'm done...its sad...but its time to move i found a new job with set hours, weekends off, and better still gonna practically live at CFA but it wont be the same as working there...i've met so many good people and have so many awesome friendships....

i get to work with tarte for the last time tomorrow night...and aylssa on sat. night....tomorrow night should be fun crying ashley tarte....just good times!!!! gonna miss you all but i still love every one of you. even bill..:)

anyway....just wanted everyone to know....oh eya i almost forgot...this past sat. was my last time workin with bekk(im gonna miss ya girlie) and the last thing she got to do for me beofre we left was write an accident report.....i definitely knocked my jaw out of place.....yes..out of hurt so did i do this u might ask....with the stupid tea urn handle.....i was carrying it back for jodi to wash and it was full and i was setting it down to drain and somehow the handle banged me right in the side of my hurt...i started only choice i had was to pop it back in i did....i screamed but i did it.....anyway the point to this lil story is thanks bekk for everything...i love ya chic!

ok well...thanks all...back to school tomorrow...blah....i have my first college test...and of course it has to be in least favorite subject....oh well!....ok..well ill have more later...i love you all!!!
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