Number 3: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Directed by: John Hughes
Starring: Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Jeffrey Jones and Jennifer Grey
This is the greatest comedy of all time. More than that, aside from "Transformers: The Movie", this is the movie I have seen the most number of times in my life (well over 75 times), and just watching it provides great insight into the development of my character from childhood to today. There is no one in the world that I aspired to be more like than Ferris Bueller.
Now that all that is out of the way, I can tell you why this movie rules. Ferris Bueller is a rich kid from the burbs, spoiled, conceited and a smart-ass. There is no reason, on paper, for him to have been a hero to a generation, but Matthew Broderick really hit a home run in taking these flaws and making them qualities, and when countered byt Jeffrey Jones' antagonist extra-ordinaire Ed Rooney, you want to root for Ferris, who is, in essence, just a kid who wants to have a good time.
Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye is oft overlooked in his contribution to this film. His little "I've gotta take a stand." speech at the end of the movie is poignant, and heartfelt.
Look, I can go on about this movie for hours, but the point of it all is that this movie is funny as hell, and really, if you think you're my friend and you haven't seen this movie, well, you probably don't know anything about me.
I want to take a day off like this one.