World of Warcraft (WoW)!

Sep 14, 2005 08:08

Well, I bought World of Warcraft last night. That things takes forever to upgrade! Right from the start I had a 2 hr download to update the game with. But when I woke up this morning, it was done and I made a character and tried it out.

Not bad at all. Graphics are very well done and the battle system is really good. In case anyone see's this I'm making a Night Elf Rogue named Raiden so be on the lookout. I haven't decided on a Realm yet, until some people get back to me and I decide who I want to play w/. Hoping some more people around here get the game, its a big step up from EverQuest, but not a whole lot more than Final Fantasy XI. But I think I'm gonna switch to this game for a while. I don't mind paying a monthly fee for a MMORPG, but I'm not gonna be paying for more than one.

Other than that, not much new. Class went ok, and I have MS Office Business Systems tonite. That pretty much means I'll be out early and probably head over to TJ's for a while to see what he's up to and see if he's gonna get the game or not. But, I'm gonna end this

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