[Sakamoto is dressed
a lot like this, only in red and black. There are sequins on his hat, and he apparently couldn't quite bear to part with his sunglasses to complete the look, because those are perched on his forehead too. He's at the club, boots propped up on a table, tall glass of whiskey at his side, and presumably very, very drunk indeed.]
Aa~ Isn't marriage nice? I'd like to get into the spirit of things myself.
[Spying a nearby cocktail waitress, he abruptly blocks her path, dropping to his knees in front of her, with one hand on his heart, and the other outstretched to clasp her hand in his.]
Will you marry me~?
[Startled, the girl giggles nervously, pulls away, and cheerfully dumps the contents of her tray on his head as she leaves. Sakamoto goes down, sputtering, doused in alcohol, and laughing uproariously.]