(soon to be) a list of 100 things I love

Apr 13, 2005 20:09

heres 100 things in the world that i love (not in order of preference)
1. SUMMER!!!!
2. ice cream
3. friends
4. women
6. shooting stars
7. the moon
8. music
10. my lj...wow that is something i wasn't expecting
11. acting
12. singing
13. piano...even though i can't play it
14. spirit week!
15. Elton John
16. puppies
17. humor
18. jeans
19. being able to walk around ass naked when no-one's home
20. getting a tan (easy for me)
21. flowers???
22. South Carolina
23. food...in general
24. romantic comedies
25. movies in general
26. new car smell
27. lingerie (on the opposite sex)
28. cruises
29. New shower curtain smell...just trust me
30. hot air balloons
31. TV
32. Xbox
33. the ocean
34. sunsets
35. sunrises
36. The national parks out west
37. my family...whoops should have put that first!
38. history
39. boating
40. skiing
41. going to the beach
42. VACATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
43. the feeling just after doing something perfectly
44. mp3 players
45. People who can actually maintain an interesting conversation/debate
46. people who aren't lazy
48. electronics that actually work!
49. thunderstorms
50. being intimate/cuddling
51. loud concerts
52. Hilton Head
53. Middlebury...kind of
54. 50 cent
55. Snoop Dogg
56. DRIVING/having my liscence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
57. pools
58. jeans
59. George Clooney
60. Ocean's 12
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