(no subject)

Feb 22, 2003 20:24

Windows Media Player has the dumbest interface ever. When I put in a CD, it displays the album art, which is super cool, but clicking on the album art takes you to a link where you can buy the CD. Why would anyone want to buy a CD they just put in the drive?

Anyway, today's been real shitty. My housemate and I went to CompUSA to buy a printer for the house. We wanted a networked one because we have so many computers with various operating systems and a networked printer would just make things easier for us.

Turns out they don't sell networked printers, but they did sell JetDirect print servers, so I buy the server, and my housemate buys the printer. While checking out, we discover from the cashier that the salesman who helped us was none other than the store's owner, and the cashier finds it funny because he rarely sets foot on the store floor.

I looked at Powerbooks too, and almost bought the 12" one I've been drooling over. The first salesman I talked to said I could get it customized with the RAM, hard drive, and SuperDrive I wanted, the second told me they didn't do custom configurations and that the only options available were those listed on the display,

Anyway, when we get home, I find that the print server won't even work with the printer. The printer is USB-only, and the print server only has a parallel port. Wonderful. So we truck on back to CompUSA. Another salesman says they have USB print servers and tells us what aisle they're on. So we go look. There aren't any USB print servers, much less any print servers of any kind. Finally, I get a refund. At this point I'm happy, because I don't want to spend any more money in what had suddenly become a house of lies.

We go next door to Best Buy to look for print servers, but they don't sell them at all. I'm pretty cool with this because I figure I can find it cheaper online and I won't have to worry about some salesman who should be demoted to register biscuit sending me home with the wrong thing. I buy some CDs for the drive home, which I plan on being lengthy, since the weather is terribly shitty.

The drive to home was as terrible as I imagined, with the wipers freezing over every few miles so that I got to stop and bang the ice off them so I could see again. When I get home, I choose to eject my CDs so I can listen to them inside. Only they won't eject. Or play anymore. My car's CD player has gone south, after being brand new (along with the entire car) just four short months ago. yay.

There is much yelling, many choice curse words uttered, until I finally lose it. Much smashing and cursing. I don't think my CD player will function again anytime soon, but I did managed to wrest four of six new CDs from it. So now I'm gonna listen to them and read some comics. I figure comics don't break.
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