Another year and a day

Jan 20, 2011 15:09

Yesterday was my 6th anniversary of LiveJournal.  Although I don't post as much as I once did, I do believe this space helped me in my recovery.  Writing down my thoughts and having friends comment was a true gift.  Reading about what my friends were doing was a window to the world for me as well.

1,880 journal posts
21,096 comments received
17,409 comments posted

So thank you to my friends here.  Thank you very much.

Outside of fighting of bouts of depression, I have been doing my best to take care of myself.  I cannot claim to be more than a slug most days.  Going for short walks, swimming and reading some.

Today it has been too windy to walk around, but no doubt when things calm down I will be checking things out.  The earth is a living place.  The wind may break off limbs of trees, or the recent rains cause some flooding... but it all works together to set up for spring.  A few days of cold weather killed off many plants.  But in their place will be new ones, feasting on the ones that came before.  Sort of how we stand on the shoulders of our forebears.

If you would have asked me 6 years ago, I would have said that I would have been dead by now.  My body had seem to be collapsing, nothing seemed to work.  So 6 years later, I am still here.  Alive and doing ok.

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