May 08, 2010 01:18
Squall. I've got a proposition for you.
[While Irvine is waiting for Squall to reply to his "proposition", he can be found outside of Community Building #4. As usual, he's sitting against the trunk of a tree near the building, his fingers intertwined behind his head as his hat is tipped over his eyes. The only difference from the norm is that Irvine is missing a certain cowboy-esque coat. It's Spring, after all. Overcast or not.
Plus, the ladies can see his muscles this way.
Near him, his journal is open and his gun is lying next to the journal. Anyone nearby can sure as hell bother him while he waits for Squall's answer.]
[ooc: For the sake of logic, this entry is forward dated to around noon on Saturday.]
a little bored,
seemed like a fun idea,