10th Shot // [Voice/Action]

Sep 29, 2009 04:53

So, everything's getting back to normal, right? Must mean everything's gonna quiet down a bit too.

Did anyone actually enjoy the past few days?


[It's at this point that Irvine's usually out leaning against a tree, with his gun slung on his shoulder and hat tipped over his eyes. This time, however, he's leaning against the tree and just keeping an eye on his journal for a bit. Can't be getting predictable, can we? Well, his gun is still around, on the grass, but his eyes are clearly visable and open, to those who usually stumble on him sleeping or whatever.

So stumble on him while he's awake and outside Community Housing Building 4! Do it!]

a little bored, striking up conversation, not asleep ho'snap, chillaxing

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