Survey thingie. 'Cuz I'm that bored.

Mar 11, 2003 21:04

Name: Maggie
Nickname: Magster, Magilicious, Mags, Magatron.
Birthday: September 12th
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark purple and fackin' filthy
Hieght: 5'5''
Shoe size: 9'
Religion: None.

Whatcha wearing? Carhartts, hoodie, cutoff gloves, Opus the Penguin baseball tee
How long since you've showered? 3 days. Ick.
What taste is in your mouth? Cigarettes and blood. My lip is bleeding, dammit!
What are you listening to? Crimpshrine - Wake Up.
How d'you feel? Bored.
What book are ya reading? The Once & Future King by T.H. White.
Sock color? Blue with mauve toes.

The last...
Person you kissed: Will.
Person you hugged: Will.
Person you dated: Sam.
Person who said they loved you: Lexi.
Person you talked to on the phone: Jake.
Thing you ate: Rice.
Thing you broke: My dresser drawer.
Thing you fixed: My dresser drawer.
Person whose hair you cut? Jake.
CD/record/tape you bought: Crimpshrine - Duct Tape Soup.
Show you went to: Dave's birthday show at Gilman.

Have you ever...
Been in love? Sorta.
Been out of love? Hells yes.
Been repulsed by someone you thought you loved? Yep.
Loved unrequitedly? Yep.
Fucked, had sex, made love, done the wild monkey dance? Yeah.
Flooded your house? Not my current one, and only the bathroom.
Flooded somebody else's house? Not yet.
Gone vegan? No. I like meat and dairy.
Gone straight-edge? Nope.
Taken a vow of celibacy? Not voluntarily. AAAARGH.
Cheated on somebody? Yes.
Been cheated on? Yes. But not in the fucking sense.

Language: Ancient Greek.
Place: Make-Out Point or the barn.
Country: The U.K.
Street: Locksley Place.
Facial expression: A lust-filled snarl.
Place to be kissed: Where my neck meets my shoulder, or next to my hipbone
Piercing: Tongue or lip.
Stand-up comic: Bill Hicks.

Is the most attractive male you know? Will.
Is the most attractive female you know? Dunno...
Is practically your (mental) twin? Jake.
Is practically your (physical) twin? Used to be Roxanne. Now I don't know.
Is your hero? Israel. He's the last person who gave me a really long back massage.
Is your pet peeve? NORA FUCKING JONES.

Girls or guys? Guys.
Long or short hair? Longish short.
Dark or light? Dark.
Short or tall? Tall.
Scruffy or tidy? Scruffy.
Smoking or non? Smoking.
Peaches or pears? Pears.

What does your answering machine say? "Hi, you've reached the American Association of People Who Like To Beat Up Mimes for Fun. If you have beaten up a mime for fun today, press 1. If you would like to receive a brochure on how to properly beat up a mime, press 2. If you're caling for Maggie, just...ya know...leave your name and number after the tone."
What three CD's/records/tapes are you listening to incessantly these days? Tilt - Been Where, Done What? // Love Songs // Crimpshrine - Duct Tape Soup
Physical feature for which you are most often complimented: My skin
Term of endearment that really pisses you off:
Play any instruments? Bass guitar and piano.
What's your guilty pleasure? Hmm...the Muffs.
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